Prayers to Our Gods


Prayers dedicated to Austinian by Gwynn Struan, Abbott of Austinian

Speaker of the Divine

Prayer of Thanks

Light of Hope



A Prayer of Aspiration to True Knighthood by Jayl MacGregor

A simple Prayer to Nadrik by Jaimes Radbourne

A Poem for Nadrik and Us by Faelinda Draven

Speaker of the Divine

Father of Goodness, speaker of the divine, Austinian humbly do we kneel

before you and ask for your blessings.

We seek in our prayers, Father, the heart of your goodness. Let it fill us

so that we might walk our chosen paths and not stray from it.

Let your purity, Father, shine upon us to light our way so that the dark

cannot find us.

In your faith, Father, no shadows can hide and no evil left untouched by

your goodness.

Peace and harmony, Father, in your arms of faith. To wrap around us,

comfort us, and speak to us of your truths.

Divine strength to lead us, Father, and do your will. We are your tools of

faith, prepared and willing.

Guide us as you will.

Prayer of Thanks

Father, we thank you for your faith.

I pray here this day as on many days, to honor the faith that you give to us.

Good Father, we thank you for your faith. I pray here this day as on many

days, to honor the faith that you give to us and to reaffirm that I, that we,

shall always reach for Your light.

Father we ask for your wisdom to help us make the right your strength to

fulfill them, and your might to keep us strong.

Good Austinian, grant us the blessings of your light so that forever more

shall the darkness be kept at bay.

Light of Hope

Light in the darkness,

the Father's Faith to guide me.

Life in the death,

the Father's wisdom to enlighten me.

Without faith there is no hope,

evil must be undone.

Without hope there is no future,

evil must be vanquished.

Father, guide us through the evil ways,

in Your arms we are strong.

Trust in the Father. Trust in faith.

Evil will fall before the wisdom of Austinian.



In the Father's name,

Be true unto thy God and self.


In the Father's name,

Help the fallen to rise.


In the Father's name,

Strength of purpose and will.


In the Father's name,

Swords true and hearts pure.


In the Father's name,

Body and spirit against evil.


In the Father's name,

Goodly cause and deed.


In the Father's name,

Righteous path and purpose.


In the Father's name,

Do as we must and not for personal gain.

We are the swords against the darkness, the last line of defense.

With all that we are and shall be we stand against evil and fight

the good that someday our children or our children's

children will be able to live in peace and light.


We are your servants Father.

Swords of steel,

To unleash against the darkness.

Strengthened with a purpose.

Sharpened edge against the unrepentant.

Words of steel,

To wield against the lost.

Hardened with a cause.

Harsh against the unyielding.

Hearts of purity,

To bare against evil.

Benevolent with His children.

Compassionate with His lost.

Righteous purpose to righteous cause.

A Prayer of Aspiration to True Knighthood

Gods of the Light

Grant us a spirit of Honesty

That we respect thy Truth

And let it light our paths

Gods of the Light

Grant us a spirit of Compassion

That in all things we do

We do in Love

Gods of the Light

Grant us a spirit of Valor

That we may have courage

To stand ever firm

Gods of the Light

Grant us a spirit of Justice

That our foes may know fear

And our friends only love

Gods of the Light

Grant us a spirit of Sacrifice

That we do not cling blindly

To the falseness of this earth

Gods of the Light

Grant us a spirit of Honor

That in both word and deed

We seek to see both true and through

Gods of the Light

Grant us a spirit of Spirituality

That for guidance we look within and to you

And depend not upon the world

Gods of the Light

Grant us a spirit of Humility

That we strive not for earthly glory

But to the purpose that you intend


A Simple Prayer to Nadrik

Oh Lord Nadrik, you have given much to those of us whom follow your teachings.

Your blessings give us strength, to continue to fight for those whom are too weak.

Your blessings give us patience, to know when to use the powers bestowed upon us.

Your blessings give us wisdom, to be humble before your glory and might.

Your blessings give us courage, to face the tide of darkness, when all seems lost.

Yet Lord, it is you whom should be blessed, it is you whom carries the burdens of all,

you are the inspiration for us all. It is your virtues which cause our spirits to swell,

your strength which protects us, your wisdom which guides us to further the cause of goodness.

Nay Lord, do not bless me, for I am a mere mortal, and as such, live with faults. I bless you my

Lord, and thank you for all you have selflessly given us.

I bless you, Lord Nadrik, and honor your name with my life.


Jaimes Radbourne, Page of Knighthood


A Poem for Nadrik and Us

Wed Nov 30 13:40:17 2011


Nadrik keep your honor bright

While on the moon as dark as night.

May the dark moon's power fail.

May you live, your tale to tell.

Know that we, your followers still,

Constantly pray, your wounds to heal.

May we find within our hearts

The power and strength to do our parts.

Power to live and choose the right.

Strength to always seek the light.

Honor's way is not so hard.

Virtuous living is its own reward.

And when it is our time to die,

The question will be, how hard did we try.

- Lady Faelinda Draven, Knight of the Shield