Siege Engines

From the General World Lore.


There are two parts to siegecrafting.

First part is the creation of the base components of the siege weapons themselves.

With the second part being the creation of the weapon.

Tanners, Smelters and Millers may create the base components for each siege weapon

and are the only ones allowed to create the required components. Each must be

level 51 and have the rank of LGM crafter (1001 craftskill)

Tanner: May create the Arm Cushion for the Catapult, the Cartridge Bag

for the cannon and the Torsion Cable for the Ballista. Each one of

these requires one bull elephant skin to create.

Miller: May create the Ballista Base for the ballista, the Catapult Base for

the Catapult and the Cannon Base for the cannon. Each of these requires

one dreadwood log.

Smelter: May create the Cannon Barrel for the cannon, Counterweight for the

Catapult and the Gimbal for the ballista. Each of these requiring the

use of one arcane ore.

Any crafter, who has reached the rank of LGM (1001) may create a weapon with one of

each required part. The required parts for each weapon are:

Cannon: Cannon Base, Barrel and Cartridge bag.

Ballista: Ballista Base, Gimbal and Torsion cable.

Catapult: Catapult Base, Arm Cushion and Counterweight.

The command to siegecraft is as follows:

siegecraft <component OR weapon>.

Example: siegecraft 'ballista base'

Example: siegecraft catapult

Weapons cannot be moved except in the case of a cannon, which may only be moved

by the person who created the weapon.

Weapons may also be attacked by players and will not fight back in the process. If

a weapon is being attacked, it will become unusable for anyone attempting to fire,

load or aim such a weapon.

Once a weapon has been created by a crafter, anyone may fire, load or aim the

weapon. Do note: AOE type weapons WILL cause, and allow, FRIENDLY FIRE!


Siegeaim will allow you to aim a seige weapon in a specific direciton and at an

optional target.

While target is optional, some weapons will REQUIRE a target to work properly.

Especially ones that do not do AOE damage (area of effect).

Usage of the siegeaim command:

Siegeaim <weapon> <number of rooms> <direction> <optional target>

Example: siegeaim cannon 2 north Kyri

Example: siegeaim catapult 5 east Bioteq

Weapon will have a (AIMED) flag when loaded.


Siegeload will allow you to load your weapon with ammunition that has either been

crafted or purchased in several stores around Algoron. Each weapon type has a

specific type of ammunition it will accept -- and it will only accept this type.

It has been rumored that some types will cause more damage or other interesting

affects when used.

Syntax for command:

siegeload <weapon> <ammunition>

Example: siegeload cannon 'flaming ball'

Example: siegeload catapult 'granite rock'

Once a siege weapon has been loaded, it will have a (LOADED) flag next to it.


Siegefire will allow you to fire a siegeweapon.

There are a few conditions that must be met before it may be fired.

1) It must be loaded.

2) It must be aimed.

3) It must be firable.

Once these are met, you may fire the weapon.

Syntax for this command:

Siegefire <weapon>

Example: siegefire cannon

Once the weapon has been fired, it must be reloaded before firing again. However,

it will not need to be re-aimed unless aim must be adjusted.


Daholgar, the old sea dog on the docks near New Thalos is one of the sales persons. Note that the flaming iron ball, frozen iron cannonball and large rusty iron cannonball will not work in cannons designed for ships.

[Lv Blues Silver Qty] Item

[ 0 0 200 -- ] an iron-cast cannonball (for ship cannons)

[ 0 0 200 -- ] some fire dust (for ship cannons)

[51 0 7000 -- ] a flaming iron ball

[51 0 7000 -- ] a frozen iron cannonball

[51 0 7000 -- ] a large rusty iron cannonball

[51 0 7000 -- ] a flaming ballista arrow

[51 0 7000 -- ] a frozen ballista arrow

[51 0 7000 -- ] a large ballista arrow

[51 0 7000 -- ] a flaming granite boulder

[51 0 7000 -- ] a frozen granite boulder

[51 0 7000 -- ] a large granite boulder

Object 'iron ice frozen cannon ball cannonball ' is type core_craft, extra flags none.

Weight is 50, value is 5985, level is 51.

The object is made of ice.

Condition: perfect (100%)

Notes on Performance


Siege Weapon Workshop

Sat Aug 13 15:33:54 2011


To Interested Officers of the Knighthood:

I've helped test a couple seige machines now. Here are my notes.

First, they don't last very long before breaking. Perhaps fifteen minutes

or so. The cannon fell apart before we could test out its wheels and see

how it moved around. This is somewhat disappointing considering the time

and money to build the silly things.

The Ballista was built in front of Gareth's Keep by Lord Gwaine. I was

assured that Paladins of Nadrik don't need to read the instructions. We

fired out at John the Lumberjack who volunteered to help test. He must have

known his life was not in danger, because the ballista seemed to miss every

time. It must have grazed him once, however, because when we went outside

John was shouting about it, but it must not have done much damage, because,

Siccara love him, John isn't exactly the toughest lumberjack around.

The Cannon was built in the inlet by General Anysse. From my vantage point

it didn't look like the cannonball hit anything, but she said it was. So I

went out there to have her shoot at me so I could get a good view. One of

the three shots missed. I was hit by a frosty and by the rusty cannon ball,

but I couldn't tell which was which from my end. They hurt a little bit

through my spells, but much less than a pixie invoker coning you.

The cannonball did hit everyone in the area, though. (The General's animated

ball of light, myself, and any fish swimming with us.)

These machines may be more useful for blowing up walls than people. With

their current expense, short life, and not extraordinary damage, they

probably will not be in my repertoire. And a shame, I thought I could

use more percussion!

Siccara bless,

Dame Datai d'Aggravaine, Lorekeeper of Knighthood


Bardapult: Catapault Test

Sun Aug 14 16:02:27 2011


To Generals and Officers:

The other eve Lord Gwaine and I tested a catapult. Lord Gwaine set it up at

our dock, and we fired at various fish and bards that were all wet. The

catapult seemed to do the most damage of all the three, though still is

mostly harmless. We found that it could lob a boulder at least five units,

and that everyone standing in the vicinity of the boulder's mark would be

injured by it.

Siccara bless,

Dame Datai d'Aggravaine, Lorekeeper of Knighthood