Temple Cleansing


Prayers and Stories during the Temple Cleansing by Kuririn Haraldr


Sirs Bolter and Mercerion before the cleansing-------- Page 2

Sir Bolter and orders for cleansing the blood -------- Page 3

Response of Sir Bolter to the cleansing of the floor - Page 4

Collection of Prayers of Thanksgiving ---------------- Page 5

Prayers of hope and for the cleansing of the temple -- Page 6

The Purging of the Second Curse ---------------------- Page 7

Prayers before the Third Curse------------------------ Page 8


|<><><> | | <><><>| The Knight is sworn to valor

|<> | | <>| His heart knows only virtue

|<> | | <>| His blade defends the helpless

|<> .--------. <>| His might upholds the weak

| | () | | His words speak only truth

|_____| (O\/O) |_____| His wrath undoes the wicked

| \ /\ / |

|------\ \/ /------| The right can never die

| '.__.' | If one man still recalls

: | | : The words are not forgot

\<> | | <>/ If one voice speaks them clear

\<> | | <>/ The code forever shine

\<> | | <>/ If one heart holds it bright

`\<> | | <>/'

`-.| |.-` Honor Compassion Justice Sacrifice

'--' Honesty Spirituality Humility Valor


Page Two


Bolter: A Prayer

Sun Dec 17 17:59:36 2006


Our patrons, bless your keep. May we grow stronger each day with our new

arrivals, and stronger in our faith as we humble ourselves before you. I

pray that we shall continue in this one and only war against the darkness so

that our future generations might live and play in a world filled with your

blessings. Amen


Mercerion: Prayer

Mon Dec 18 16:52:43 2006


Lord Nadrik, I pray for the strength and gifts You continually give us,Your servants.

That we may continue to grow strong, and combat the malevolence threatening to

swallow Algoron.

May we stand united under Your banner, and strike true at the heart of this

wickedness, and set the people of the world free from it. I pray that I am

able to do whatever part You may ask of me, Oh Lord, and know that You need

only ask, and I will do everything possible to fulfill Your will.

May the Knights stand tall in Your light, and Your glory, alongside the

Father Austinian in his righteous judgement, to bring justice to the unjust.


Page Three


Bolter: The Temple.

Wed Dec 20 22:43:10 2006


This eve has set us on course for the restoration of the temple. As had

happened yesterday, we were able to once again breathe fresh air within the

temple, but this time would could truly notice the temple fighting this

curse. Fresh blood began to form in the rubble and the floor and tried to

soak into the grounds. The temple shook and began fighting back, pushing

the blood back up where it puddled into the floor, at that moment our Lords

voice came booming into the temple to get the blood out of the temple. At

that point we began gathering buckets and robes and cloths to scrub and

clean the blood out of the temple, there was much of it and had to make a

trip to the marsh to empty the blood out of the buckets we had. We returned

and mopped up more and more blood until finally the wailing in the temple

stopped and the blood stopped coming. We cleaned up the rest of it and took

the buckets into the marsh where we set the buckets on the ground and lit

them on fire with a blessed torch.

The stains removed themselves from our clothing and the form of our lord

appeared above the fire and spoke to us giving us commandment.

The ritual of cleaning out the blood in buckets and taking it to the marsh

and setting it on fire with a blessed torch will happen daily.

Send forth a Knight once per hour, to see to the status of the temple, and

ensure the grounds are not stained with the foulness.

The Holy ground must be preserved.

When the ground is dry, once per day send forth a priest to bless it in my

(Nadrik's) name.

DO NOT touch the rubble, for its foulness is still strong and will taint any

who touch it.

At this point I asked him of our plan to have three priests, each of

Austinian, Nadrik and Siccara as well as Milek and a shaman to work to

remove the curse, and our Lord said Thusly.

The divinity of my servants you have mentioned and the presence of all those

here will be needed. Hold a ritual in the temple with the three priests and

my angel, Have them testify their faith. Then each knight will sacrifice

something very dear to them.

Talk to the Shaman Michael. He will tell you what will ensue.

At this point Michael had contacted me about my earlier missive contacting

him and our Lord bade us to take him to the Temple. Upon entering the

temple Michael became visibly ill, the curse is very strong and shamans are

indeed sensitive to it. He was able to see the witches and the symbols upon

the far wall. The bodies of the witches were dead, but their spirits full

of evil remained. At that point he somehow began to walk among them in

their spirit world an act which almost cost him his soul I believe as we

were able to see gnarled hands grabbing at his body as if they were trying

to pull away at his own spirit. He concured with what the earlier shaman

said, that these were three generations of witches and the death of the one

we killed triggered the curse. He gave us warning that when the divine

energy break the seals, they curse may manifest itself in our world, or

perhaps the witches themselves may manifest themselves. Either way, I

believe we must be ready for a battle.

Gwynn, Salinor, Priere, Aenarion. Milek, Michael, Aybar, and myself will be

required to be present during this.

Page Four


Bolter: The Temple.

Tue Dec 26 01:37:52 2006


This has indeed been a trully blessed eve. The last drop of blood has

soaked out from the rubble. With that last drop I called Kusanami to the

temple and he watched with me as the temple shook and one of the symbols

that the witches were upon began to show itself slightly. Kusanami struck

this seal with his hammer causing a loud clank throughout the keep.

Unfortunately this did not but send a wave back to Kusanami sending him to

the ground, as I prayed for him the temple shook more and exposed more of

the seal as a hammer in the shape of Kusanami's appeared and struck at

mineself. By this time the other knights had arrived and knelt down in

prayer testifying their faith and with this the taint had no strength left

and its hammer broke to pieces upon my shield.

As Siccara and Nadrik had predicted, our temple is indeed strengthened by

our prayers and the curse is weakened by it. With the shattered of this

hammer we began praying more showing our faith testifying to our gods and

the temple rumbled breaking the symbol upon the wall. This single symbol

shattered and vanished and in the same moment, the image of the spirit of

the witch upon it was seen being torn from the rubble to face her judgement.

Knights this is one down and two to go. By word of Lord Nadrik each

available knight will pray atleast once a day in the temple.

Knights, the floor in our temple is now cleansed, this was proven twice, the

first by the word of our lord, and the second when we heard his footfalls

upon the floor, you may now sit upon it in peace, but still do not touch the


Page Five


Alloishus: The prayer of a humble servant

Tue Dec 26 13:35:45 2006


Oh, Blessed Siccara please grant us Knights the strength to battle evil.

Please grant us the fortitude to make everything Righteous in your name

again. I pray that ye grant us Wisdom and Courage to rebuild when


I pray that, I your humble servant, am granted the stregth to do thine will,

to perform mine duties and charges to combat the darkness, to do mine best

and more to bring the glory of the Temple back in the highest.

Please bless the Knights whom serve to battle the shadows that lurk beyond

the Light. Bless all that is good, and right. For this I pray to ye.

Blessed be Siccara


Gwaine: A prayer of thanksgiving.

Wed Dec 27 04:41:00 2006


Father Austinian, Lord Nadrik, Lady Siccara

Thou hath brought us ever closer to thee. In our toil and turmoil,

thou hath wiped our brow. In our strife and tribulation, thou hath

lent us your strength.

When our hope wavered, thou hath restored it.

You are the soil where our life's root doth seek nurture.

So we send up a river unto thee, and teeming with thanks shall

shall it ever be.

In our deeds, and in our thoughts, may we honor thee.

Supreme Father, Noble Son and Daughter Divine,

We shall not falter, we shall continue to walk thy path

And with thine holy grace, we shall overcome all.


Mercerion: A prayer of Thanks

Wed Dec 27 16:08:01 2006


Father Austinian, Lord Nadrik, and Lady Siccara

I pray to thee my thanks, for we your knights have strived hard to restore

the divinity to this temple, and in every step of the path, You have granted

us Your graces, and carried us through our trials.

When we were overcome with despair, You lit our path. You gave us strength

when our own faltered, You gave us hope, when we could find none.

I thank thee for Your support, and I pray we are able to continue to walk in

Your light, and spread Your word in Your light.

Through Your guidance, and our faith, we will overcome all trials.

Honor above all else.


Mercerion: Prayers

Thu Dec 28 01:22:06 2006


Lord Nadrik, I thank You for Your strength and guidance, as well as Your

protection, as You sent to us Your servant, Lezra, to protect us from the

evils of this curse. You have granted us protection, Lord, as well as a

means to remove the second curse, and prepare for what may come in doing so.

I offer myself and any service I may grant in restoring this temple, Lord.

I will gladly fight the manifestion and equal and Honorable ground. I will

do everything in my power to bring Your temple back to its rightful


I ask Lord, that you continue to watch over us Your servants as we strive

towards Your ideals. I pray that through Your strength and guidance, we

will achieve the greater victory through Honor.

Honor above all else.

Page Six


Gwaine: A prayer of hope.

Thu Dec 28 19:15:54 2006


Father Austinian, Lord Nadrik, Lady Siccara

Guardians of the Light,

Holy Father, we look to thee, from thine Goodness

grant the purity to bear thy word against this curse.

Divine Son, we beseech thee, from thine Honor

grant us the sight to see thy path true. That as we face

this evil before us, we advance as thine chosen, we wield

our prayers and steel in as thou wouldst have us.

Blessed Daughter, we entreat thee, from thine divine

healing, grant us the grace to heal this temple. That

through thine guidance we may heal these wounds and

grow stronger.

Pantheon of the Light, let us be worthy to take thine

message to the world beyond, and aide our fellow brothers

and sisters in the eternal struggle. Help us, blessed

trinity, we ask, in thy name and for thine glory.


Bolter: A prayer.

Fri Dec 29 01:05:13 2006


Lord may your knights grow in strength, in faith and closer together.

May your temple grow stronger with our growing faith so that we may rid

these holy grounds of this vile curse.

Lady Siccara, may our hearts be tempered with your gentleness. May we hold

true to each other and keep each other shielded from all harm.

Father of the Light, may our paths be lit with your great wisdom and may all

our ways serve to purify the world and bring the light into it.


Mercerion: Prayers

Fri Dec 29 13:25:41 2006


Father of Light, Divine son, and loving daughter, Strengthen us as we

strive towards the cleansing and purification of this temple. Our faith

draws us ever closer to You, and closer to ourselves and our comrades. Your

provide for us the tools we need to succeed in our endeavors, and You watch

over us and guide our path

Holy father, Your guiding and just light pierces the darkness that threatens

all in the world, providing a clear path for us to follow, and warding away

the darkness that exists.

Holy son of Honor, Your will secures our path, grants us our strength to

fight, as well as protect those in need, while keeping ourselves humble and

beacons of hope in the eyes of others.

Holy daughter, Your grace and gentility shows us how any and every heart may

be healed, as You stand over us in while we are wounded, cleansing our

wounds, both spiritual and physical.

It is through these gifts from Your holy family that we are able to succeed,

and I pray that we continue to serve You all well, and that through our

combined efforts, cleanse these grounds.


|<><><> | | <><><>| The Knight is sworn to valor

|<> | | <>| His heart knows only virtue

|<> | | <>| His blade defends the helpless

|<> .--------. <>| His might upholds the weak

| | () | | His words speak only truth

|_____| (O\/O) |_____| His wrath undoes the wicked

| \ /\ / |

|------\ \/ /------| The right can never die

| '.__.' | If one man still recalls

: | | : The words are not forgot

\<> | | <>/ If one voice speaks them clear

\<> | | <>/ The code forever shines

\<> | | <>/ If one heart holds it bright

`\<> | | <>/'

`-.| |.-` Honor Compassion Justice Sacrifice

'--' Honesty Spirituality Humility Valor


Page Seven


Kuririn: The purging of the second curse


This eve, the Knighting of Sir Salinor of the Shield and Sir Acthus of

the Lance brought about a peculiar event. As the prayers, chants, and

shouts of "Nobilis Factum. Mors ante dedocoro" echoed through the chamber,

a light of holiness poured down from above. For but one brief moment the

power and holiness returned to the shattered Temple. As General Bolter

proclaimed, "Our prayer, our ceremonies have given it strength this

evening," the second cursed symbol began to pulsate red. The Knights all

knelt and began to pray, except the one who was chosen to lead the way.

Lieutenant Mercerion of the Lance, a warrior of the Lord Nadrik, prepared to

do battle with whatever evil would come from the rubble. With the prayers

of the Knighthood providing him strength, he stood his ground as a deafening

explosion sent the rubble across the Temple. A light shown down to protect

those in prayer, and the cursed beast finally showed its face. A pure white

specter of a Minotaur standing 9 feet tall rose out of the shattered cursed

symbol and made its way towards the knights. "You face us all, but I carry

our blades. The pantheon of light will hold this ground once again. May

Nadrik purify your being," shouted Mercerion as the Minotaur charged forth.

The battle was fierce as Lieutenant Mercerion provided the blades, the other

knights provided his shield through prayer. The Minotaur proved no match

for the lieutenant. As the beast was struck down the lieutenant proclaimed

"Honor above all else." The second cursed symbol was completely destroyed,

leaving the temple one symbol away from being revived.

Suddenly, the Knights dropped to their knees as the presence of Lord Nadrik

and Lady Siccara were felt throughout the temple. The Lord Nadrik commanded

the Knights to increase their daily prayer, blessings, and for each to bring

a sacrifice to the temple. The Knights were also informed that a greater

divinity would be required to break the third seal. General Bolter believed

it to be the Angel Milek, but light shot forth from his robes as the Lord

appointed the General as a Cardinal. The greater divinity would be General

Bolter. Lady Siccara also appointed the recently knighted Sir Salinor to a

deacon of her church. As the Lord Nadrik took Lady Siccara's hand to head

into the heavens he said "Through blessings, and honorable sacrifices the

last seal will break." In a brief moment they both disappeared, leaving the

knights to reflect on what must be done. Only through prayer can evil truly

be defeated. As Cardinal Bolter provides that prayer, the Knights will do

battle against the beast of the third seal. What we face is unknown, but we

will not fail. Our faith in the Gods, our code, and each other will not be

broken. Through that faith combined with prayer we will eliminate the evil

and find the temple reborn to an even greater glory.

Kantilles bless,

Kuririn Haraldr

Page of the Knighthood

Page Eight


Alloishus: A prayer

Sun Dec 31 11:50:22 2006


Oh Blessed Siccara, please lend thy healing to Gareth in its time of

need. Please, Goddess of Healing, if it is thine will, grant us the

patience, wisdom, and fortitude to heal all of those in need. Please grant

us the power to stand in the way of darkness.

Oh Heavenly Father of Honor, please grant us the strength to always do what

is honorable in thine name. Please grant us the power to defend what is

right and please bless Gareth, if it please thee, so that we all might ward

of any evil that seeks to destroy this House.

Oh Father, Father of all that is Good, please grant us thine favor so that

Gareth may protect all who stand for purity and goodness. Please grant us

the will to do thine will in all acts. Please grant us steadfast stability

in order to heal, to fight, and to defend.


Gwaine: A Prayer.

Sun Dec 31 17:46:21 2006


Divine Trinity, Father, Son and Daughter

The time of our testing approaches

Through our apprehension and anxiety

Your Grace brings us serenity

Your Blessings lend us strength.

We prepare, Lords and Lady

We temper our swords and gird our armor,

And with each quenching

We call upon thine holy names

Father Austinian, bless us,

Give us the wisdom and temperance

That we stand steadfast

Lord Nadrik, hone our blades

May they cleave the heathen unto redemption

Lady Siccara, strengthen our bodies

That these vessels of flesh and blood

May bear the struggle for the Light.

We ask for much, Divine Trinity, this we know

All we canst offer is ourselves, that we shall

See this battle to its end, and through it all

Tis thine names we bear

on our lips and in our hearts.



Mercerion: Prayer

Sun Dec 31 19:16:56 2006


Holy Family, I pray for the continued strengthening of these holy grounds

dedicated to You. May our efforts, both spiritual and physical, drive off

the remaining piece of this curse.

Lord of Honor, General to our cause, lead us Your servants so that we may

strike true and undo the existing wickedness in this temple and in the

realm. May we ride true to Your codes, and spread faithfully Your word and


Blessed sister, May you continue to be our shield against the malevolence

and vile corruptness of this curse as a whole. May you cleanse this temple

and the wounds caused by the curse and tools darkness.

Holy Father, Guiding light to all of the servants to Your will, may You

continue to lay bare the path ahead of us, and with Your divine light,

pierce any and all darkness that may attempt to shroud our way.

May we as Your knights, stand tall and firm, and serve you well in our time

here. Together we will overcome this curse in Your names. Our Faith and

Comradery will see us through this, as in all things.