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Good and evil continue their eternal struggle. The battle sways, Gods banished, Gods slain, the forces of Good, having borne casualties regroup and gird themselves to face the oncoming tide of evil and chaos. The knights of Gareth have led the battle against the ungodly and heretic. Clerics, priests and sages of the Shield labour to instill the knightly virtues and religious teachings to others of the Keep who are trained to arms hold the field against the foe.

With the imprisonment of Nadrik, Siccara has grown in prominence amongst the pantheon of Good. The Shield Matron, wishing to ensure the purity of faith and purpose of her brother’s beloved Knights, has inspired the guild of Confessors amongst them. These Knights, drawing on the stern Code of the Keep, and teachings of the gods of Good gain the knowledge to turn the battle against the unbelievers.

With Siccara’s blessing they go forth to cleanse the world of evil and heal the wounds of chaos.

Bearing salvation in one hand, uplifting their fellow warriors of the Keep, and rendering judgment against the non-believers and heretics with the other. The Confessors are inherently lawful, and are driven to bring everyone into the lawful good fold; anyone who is not, is target for persuasion or judgment.

They receive basic martial training making them capable in the field. They are trained in the staff, dagger, whip and flail. They learn to parry and dodge, to inflict enhanced damage. They are able to inflict rapid blows with the staff, as a pugilist would, and can attack up to three times in a combat round. Due to their fanatic belief, they eschew the protection of the shield, instead relying on their faith and fervour to see them safe.

Confessors are so bound to the Code of the Keep that they gain new abilities as they are given more responsibility. There are three categories of Confessors: Confessors Practical, Confessor Superior, Confessor Inquisitor. As confessors, they are responsible for maintaining the spiritual fervour and purity in the Keep. Confessors are first appointed as Confessor Practicals. After 100 prestige hours and having delivered 4 sermons on the Code, they are eligible to be nominated by the Shield General to be Confessor Superior. If the Crown General agrees, then the rank is awarded. After 200 prestige hours, and 4 more sermons on the Measure, the Shield General may nominate a Confessor Superior to be a Confessor Inquisitor.

Confessor Practical :

Completed Shield Clerist training (Proposed change: Completed basic guild training and has achieved Knighthood in either Shield, Lance or Crown [Dan])

Spend time in meditation in the Sanctum of Healing. Write upon what inspiration do you draw from Siccara.

Confessor Superior (100 prestige hours):

Sermon on Justice

Sermon on Compassion

Sermon on Sacrifice

Sermon on Honesty

Confessor Inquisitor (200 prestige hours):

Sermon on Heretic and Blasphemous Teachings

Sermon on Maintaining the Purity of the Cause

Sermon on How the Laws of the Keep relate to the Laws of the Gods of Good

Sermon on How the values of Good relate to the values of the Gods of Balance