Dwarven History

The History of the High Kings of Thaxanos

Chapter One: An Introduction to the High Kings of Thaxanos

Thaxanos, the ancient mountain kingdom of the dwarves, has a long and storied history in the realm, but one that has been largely forgotten in the modern era. In the old days, Thaxanos had closed its gates, not sending emissaries to other kingdoms in the realm and practicing self imposed isolation.

Until Thaxanos reopened its gates after the conclusion of the duergan, or dark dwarf, uprising, the Thane of Wargar was the public face of the dwarven race. For all intents and purposes, the Thane of Wargar was perceived by the outside world as king of the dwarves. It was an easy mistake to make, as each Thane of every clan has his own power structure, his own armies, and his own land. Essentially, they are each kings unto themselves, independent from the others. And though they serve under the High King, there have been times in dwarven history where no High King has sat in the throne and the Thanes ruled the mountain as an oligarchy. As the Thane of Wargar was the only Thane who served outside the kingdom’s boundary, it is quite understandable that outsiders would become confused over who truly was the leader of the dwarven race.

This tome will begin with the rule of Nexxoax Kilndros, including the closing of the gates of Thaxanos, up to the present and the rule of Grumf Thistlebeard. There are far too many tales to include in only a single volume, but this text will provide the background knowledge of every High King in the modern era.

Chapter Two: The Reign of Nexxoax Kilndros and the Closing of the Gates

The first High King within the lifetime of Grumf Thistlebeard was called Nexxoax. Apart from Grumf, High King Kilndros was the longest serving king in the kingdom’s history. When High King Grumf first arrived in Thaxanos well over five centuries ago, High King Nexxoax had already been serving in his post a century.

While there are countless tales of dwarven lore that took place during his reign, there are two that stand out as the most notable. The first of these is the yinn invasion, sweeping down from the northlands like a plague, slaughtering everything in their path in a furious blood rage. The yinn had been a problem for many years, but they had not advanced as far as Thaxanos before. The entire world was decimated by the sweeping invasion, though Thaxanos was the kingdom the least affected.

When the yinn made it to our region, and the cowardly elves fled our combined army like rabbits, abandoning the struggle, High King Nexxoax was forced to make a decision. Shrewd as the dwarf was, he reasoned that it was foolish to take ranks against the yinn alone. The dwarves are not quick to reproduce, and the enemies that swarmed around the kingdom only sought slaughter. He and his council of Thanes decided that it was better to order the gates of Thaxanos closed, and to stand firm and defend the city from the more fortified position.

It was a sound tactical move, and it allowed the yinn hordes to sweep past Thaxanos like a river splitting around an island, a spot of tranquility surrounded by chaos. Thaxanos kept the gates closed for many years, issuing aid as it could, but remaining closed off to outsiders. It was a difficult decision for any ruler to make, with grave consequences for either. High King Nexxoax did what he thought best in order to save his people the most bloodshed.

This event is not to be confused with the Great Betrayal, which created the race of hill dwarves. That event was many years prior to this, also in response to the yinn hordes, but done by a different High King in a different era, High King Groxten Stonehammer of Clan Xaprar.

The gates of Thaxanos may have stayed closed for even longer than they were, if not for the second notable event that took place during High King Nexxoax’s reign, the Duergan Uprising.

Chapter Three: The Duergan Uprising

Around one century past the closing of Thaxanos in response to the yinn threat, a great civil war spilled from the halls of Wargar into Thaxanos, leading to the abandoning of the High King post by Nexxoax. Towards the end of Nexxoax’s reign, a dwarf named Zingin Karmak served as Thane of Wargar. During his tenure, Wargar and Thaxanos were still on shaky terms, and the doors of the kingdom were still closed even to the dwarves of Wargar. However, political decisions and events in the clan and the ramifications that stemmed from them still were able to affect the kingdom, and vice versa.

Zingin was a long serving Thane, and his close second was his Lord Hill, a strong dwarven crusader of Lord Nadrik named Krugnir Krutchky. The two often shared power in the clan, passing it off to each other when they needed a break and picking it back up when the other grew weary. It is likely due to the early influence of Krugnir that the healing chamber of Wargar was a Temple of Nadrik for so many years. Zingin was a Priest of Taliena, but nonetheless he was a feared fighter, with a flaming red mohawk and beard, and two enormous warhounds who fought at his side. He was a devotee of the goddess of love, but he expressed his faith by often unwanted advances onto dwarf maids, rather than reluctance for battle.

Thus when the Duergan Uprising broke out in Wargar during the tenure of Zingin Karmak, the fighting quickly spread to the duergan who lived sequestered away in the stronghold. The uprising began upon a revolt by the Lord Dark of Wargar, a duergan witch whose name has been forgotten. This witch struck the Thane with a gourd in a cowardly coup attempt, turning the mighty Zingin into a frog.

Of course, this unleashed a full scale revolt and civil war within Wargar, and the hostilities rapidly spread into Thaxanos. It was a dark time in dwarven history, with countless old grudges being brought forth and fought over, and new grudges being made. However, it was High King Nexxoax that provided an end to the fighting, although in a manner that evoked much controversy. He brokered a treaty with the duergan, forging a peace that would lead to the formation of the Kexrar clan in the Kingdom, but at a cost to the High King. If the fighting were to stop and a peace be brokered, High King Nexxoax would be forced to abdicate the throne and go forth from Thaxanos in exile.

This created quite the controversy in the Kingdom as High Kings, by law, serve in their post for life. They are never meant to leave, except by unanimous mutiny of the Thanes. Nonetheless, Nexxoax left Thaxanos in exile, never to be heard from again.

For a time, the Thanes ruled over the Kingdom without a High King. The deliberations prior to choosing a new King take a long time, and the dwarves are a long lived and stubborn race. As an added hindrance, since the law dictated that the High King serve for life, the deliberations were halted for quite some time. There was simply not enough evidence that the High King had perished in his exile, though no sign was seen or heard of him.

The current High King, Grumf, was already an Anarath of the Baewar at the time, and went on an exile of his own in search of the High King, staying away for many long years, but never finding evidence of the whereabouts of his former King.

Chapter Four: The Mutiny of Kexlox Skullsplitter

As stated in the previous chapter, the intermediary time between High King Nexxoax and the next King was rife with change. The Kexrar clan was formed, the Thanes were in no great hurry to choose a new High King due to the lacking evidence of Nexxoax’s death, and thus Thaxanos went without for some time.

Though the Thanes did a fine enough job in ruling the Kingdom in the absence of a High King, the lack of a formal ruler generally causes a certain jitteriness among the population. It was not until the mutiny of a young Baewar battlerager named Kexlox Skullsplitter that a new High King was crowned, and the Thanes had little choice in the outcome.

Kexlox had learned the rage under Grumf Thistlebeard while he was still Anarath of Baewar, and was a young, talented, and ferocious fighter. The Thane of the Baewar at the time was also a brave soldier, but he was a dwarf of renowned ill temperament. The Thane of Baewar, talented though he was, lacked any ambition save for the growth of military might, a quality the much younger Kexlox Skullsplitter did not share.

Kexlox was the son of the famous dwarf brewer for which the Skullsplitter Ale is named, and though he did not quite share his father’s talent with brewing, he skill in fighting was well known, he was ambitious, and he quickly grew bored after progressing through the ranks of the Baewar.

Kexlox decided to conduct a lawful mutiny, which by Baewar custom dictates a fight to the death. This practice may seem savage and unnecessary to outsiders, but it is a vital part of dwarven custom. The younger warrior took the fight and the life of the Thane of Baewar, and thus took power in the clan. With the position also came a seat on the Council, which he wasted no time in utilizing.

By placing himself upon the Council by force, Kexlox was in a position to legally call for a vote for High King. However, the young dwarf did not go about this in the usual, or even remotely respectful way. He had taken the Baewar seat by force, and thus, the whole military might of Thaxanos was behind him, with no High King to formally take control. Kexlox called for a Council meeting and was purposely late to ensure all the Thanes were gathered before him in the chamber before making his entrance.

The ferocious battlerager strode into the Council chamber, knocked aside a chair with a kick and stepped atop the stone table. Leveling his axe at each Thane in turn, he did not call for a vote, but instead simply told them all that he was taking the throne of Thaxanos himself, and the Thanes had no choice in the matter.

Obviously, this did not sit well with the existing Thanes, but they had little choice. With the former Thane of Baewar dead and Kexlox in his place, the Council’s muscle was gone, and they voted in and crowned Kexlox as High King immediately.

Chapter Five: The Death of Skullsplitter and Rise of Bellowgranite

The reign of Kexlox Skullsplitter was long and storied. He was a mighty king, and a renowned Gladiator League fighter. He was the first King to make formal envoys to the surrounding kingdoms, and thus was the first High King the realm was familiar with, the Thaxanos of old being notoriously insular and isolated. However, this tome will not delve too deeply into the many years and exploits that took place over the reign of High King Skullsplitter, as his tales would be a volume unto itself.

High King Skullsplitter simply did not wake on day, and is presumed dead up till the present day. His body is entombed in the Hall of Heroes, and though he is assumed gone, there are still attendants of the tomb who will swear that his body has not rotted, and there may still be a chance for his eyes to open once more. It was indeed unfortunate and a terrible day for the dwarven nation when he disappeared, for we lost a great leader, and the world lost the chance to see the elderly, but still mighty High King take down Maxx in the Gladiator championship’s first world title match. There still remain dwarves who will swear that had the High King lived long enough to compete, he would have flayed the yinn easily and been the realm’s first World Champion.

However, life in Thaxanos had to move on, and unlike the previous period between High Kings, the post did not remain vacant for long, merely a week or two. Evidence of the High King’s death was far clearer than with Nexxoax, and the circumstances were far different. The late High King’s council, which consisted of Cyprium Bellowgranite of the Xaprar, Belain Ironfist of the Nuexprar, Kulgruk Foebender for the Baewar, Sorloc of the Xoxx, and Muju Deathdancer for the Kexrar, chose from within their number and elected Cyprium Bellowgranite to the post of High King.

Cyprium may have been a young dwarf, but he was from old dwarven stock, a battlerager with a long golden blonde beard. He took power and life progressed smoothly for the Kingdom. Later he formed a relationship with a young dwarf lass by the name of Anaragorn, who just so happened to the the self exiled Grumf Thistlebeard’s adopted daughter. Due to this unforeseen turn of events, when the long gone Grumf returned to Thaxanos, he found himself the father in law of the newly elected High King Bellowgranite.

Chapter Six: The Assassination of a King

Grumf Thistlebeard was not a young dwarf by any means when he returned to Thaxanos, but he was of old mountain dwarf blood and the younger High King Cyprium asked him to join the Xaprar. The already ancient dwarf was back to training warriors, peacekeepers mostly, by the High King’s request, using his old skills as the former Anarath of Baewar. Soon after his return, the Thane of Xaprar decided to retire, and High King Cyprium requested, or rather coerced Grumf into accepting the position. And thus, a nearly five century old dwarf became the new Thane of Xaprar.

Some time after Grumf took the Xaprar Council seat, the life of both High King Cyprium and his wife Anaragorn was taken in yet another suspected Duergan plot, and it was only by the stubborn effort of Thane Grumf that it was discovered.

Though the Thane of Kexrar, Muju Deathdancer, claimed the High King had simply fallen ill and perished, Grumf had his suspicions, especially as Muju also claimed that High King Cyprium has requested him ascend to the Regency on his deathbed, should Muju’s magic or medicine fail to cure him. Muju was confronted with the accusation, yet he stubbornly denied the charges. However, there was not enough evidence to convict Muju of the crime, despite the strong suspicion, and thus another Council vote had to take place for a new High King, and Thane Grumf was left to bury his adopted daughter and son in law.

Despite him not being charged with the murder of the High King, the Thanes still were suspicious enough of Muju that they all proclaimed they would not cast a vote for him, and he had no hopes of being High King. With that, he vowed to sell his vote to the highest bidder. Arelius Kegbreaker, who was then Thane of Wargar, grew so irate with Muju that he took him by the throat and hauled him off his feet in anger.

The entire election was a shambles, with the Baewar Thane tossing his name in, though Grumf would not vote for him while his aura was red. Many wanted Grumf to take the throne, but some did not, as he was elderly, and the rage was slowly slipping away and spark was not what it once was in his eyes. Sorloc, Thane of the Xoxx, vowed not to even vote at all.

Grumf withheld his vote in hopes that he could encourage the Thanes to continue talking and hash it out, as he essentially ran the day to day affairs of the Kingdom. He was successful in time, and coerced the Thanes to sit it out and make a decision. Finally, the deliberations concluded and Sorloc, Thane of Xoxx, was elected as High King.

Chapter Seven: The Short Reign of High King Sorloc and the Beginning of the Modern Era

Within only a week after Sorloc took the High King post, he made it clear to the Council that he had no interest in the position as anything more than a title, and had every intention of being a figurehead and leaving the day to day affairs of the kingdom to the Thanes, most notably Grumf. His reign was short and uneventful, save for the events that led to his death. In all, High King Sorloc only ruled for six months, and it was on an excursion to Dolund’ir that he was killed in an impromptu battle.

High King Sorloc had ventured into Dolund’ir to negotiate some holdings with Althainia when he and his entourage were attacked by a horde of goblins. The incursion into goblin territory was meant to uncover old mining clans who lived in the region. It was more a drunken effort in rabble rousing that morphed into a full goblin riot. In the riot, several lives were lost, including High King Sorloc’s, but many survived with only the death of their ego. For this crime, the goblins bear yet another entry into the Book of Grudges.

Grumf did not wish to have all his hard work in the election of Sorloc undone, and thus he quickly gathered all the Thanes once more into Council and informed them that he was putting his name forth for the position, and that they should deliberate and decide the matter quickly so there would be no quibbling.

On that very day, Thane Grumf Thistlebeard became High King, and begins the period of modern history that most dwarves can still recall. Not many even remember a time that Grumf was not High King, as he has ruled for more than forty years, though it is still important to remember the past great leaders that the Mountain has had.

The Dwarven Hall of Honor

"It is Here that We Give Honor

to Those who, Through Their Noble Deeds, Helped

Each and All of Their Kin to This Day."

Deep within the sacred home of the Dwarven mountain, Axpvjib, the Dwaves are in the midst of building a great hall as grand as any in the known world. Within are many natural mineral wonders on display, and also fine works of art depicting moments in in history as well as dwarven leaders. I highly recommend making a trip there to see it for yourself. You should be able to find the tunnels as they wrap around the city to the west.

Scenes of Dwarven Battles

Carved on the walls of the corridor before the Hall of Honor are magnificent reliefs of important battles. The dwarves in the scenes are plated with gold, and their enemies in silver. To describe the reliefs:

No one dwarf in all of these battles is the same, either in stance, face,

or armament. The same can be said of their enemies, be they yinn, elves, or

goblins, although many of the dead ones share a common pose. Each

individual scene is devoted to a battle with one of the above races, a brief

plaque below each describing the battle.

The plaque beneath the goblins reads:

"The battle beneath the mountain was a great one, as countless greenskins

were purged from the depths of the earth that we could claim our rightful


The plaque beneath the elves reads:

"Our first battles with the elves began over their part in the first

great calamity, the Fall from Grace. After our people found sanctuary

beneath the mountain, we discovered that the treacherous elves had

built their own city not far from us. The clan Wargar was formed to

eliminate this threat, and has fought in countless, bloody battles

with our ancient foes."

The plaque below the yinn reads:

"The horde of the yinnae was the greatest, single threat ever faced by

Algoron. It was during this war that we closed the doors to the mountain

for the first time in history."

Thane Argelth Hearthfire's Statue

Standing five times as tall as a normal dwarf, this statue has been

carved from the living rock. This dwarf stands at full attention, bedecked

in the full raiment of battle. Bushy, curly hair spills out from beneath

his great helm. The port in the front reveals a grim visage that doubtless

in life would have caused lines of troops to break in fear. His heavy brows

are drawn down in the center, deep lines crossing the bridge of his nose.

The thick mass of hair around his lips fails to hide the angry scowl that

twists his face. Heavy plates of armor cover every inch of his body, the

mighty gauntlets he wears holding a massive axe in front of his chest. The

stone itself seems to glow with life, every hair on his body picked out in

infinte detail. The rage in his features is almost a palpable feeling in

the air. The base of the statue bears writing, explaining more about this


The writing reads:

"Behold ye now Thane Argelth Hearthfire the Foereaver of Clan Wargar,

First Thane of Wargar and Defender of the Mountain Folk.

Before the mountain folk came to the mountain, before there were ever

clans among our people, a great calamity occurred. At the heart of

this calamity were the eternal enemies of those under the mountain,

the elves. When humans could not be made to see reason,

Argelth Hearthfire led all those who would follow him away, to find

a new home where they could be safe.

After months of travel with young, old, infirm, and the rest of his

people, he came upon the great Mount Axpvjib. Knowing that such a

place would be near impregnable to attack, he led a scouting party

of his finest warriors into the mountain halls. He found there no less

than score upon score of filthy goblins. The fight that began

then ensued for years, staining the very stone red with greenskin

and dwarven blood. Only the incredible rage of Thane Argelth brought

victory to his sorely outnumbered kin. The number of foes felled by

his axe Glory was beyond count. Finally, the goblins were extinguished.

The mountain folk had found their home.

In future years, it was discovered that the wicked elves lived just

along the border to the mountain. Upon this discovery, Argelth formed

the clan Wargar of his finest warriors to eradicate the threat

once and for all."

High King Folgir Ironlaw's Statue

Standing five times as tall as a normal dwarf, this statue has been

carved from the living rock. Seated on a heavy, granite throne, this dwarf

has a somber, patient look on his face. Long, smooth hair flows from

beneath his gilded crown down to his shoulders. Bushy eyebrows shade his

already deeply recessed eyes, deep wrinkles running out from the corners.

His broad nose terminates into his flowing beard and moustache, which curl

around the thoughtful frown that matches the furrows on his forehead. His

beard flows over his elaborately carved robes and is gathered at his waist

where it stops. In the crook of his left arm is a closed book as large as

his torso, and his right hand holds a stout warhammer that crosses over the

front of the book protectively. The stone itself seems to glow with life,

every hair on his body picked out in infinte detail. His stone eyes seem to

gaze out at all who are gathered before him. The base of the statue bears

writing, explaining more about this king.

The writing reads:

"Behold ye now High King Folgir Ironlaw of Clan Xaprar,

First King Under the Mountain of Thaxanos and the six clans.

When all the clans fought bitterly among themselves for power and wealth

in the halls beneath the mountain, Folgir Forgebane saw the truth

that only in unity could the mountain folk prosper and grow more in strength.

He brought his idea to the Thanes, who told him that if he could

bring to them a book of law that would last for all time, then they

would in turn swear fealty to him as High King.

To the challenge he rose. Night and day he toiled at the forge, working

the hot iron until he could not stand, and slept by the anvil to

keep the fires going at night. For years he toiled, chipping runes

into the pages he had wrought.

Five years later, he returned to the Thanes with the Iron Book that held

laws that all dwarves could agree to. The Thanes took the heavy book

from his scarred and scored hands, each in turn reading it and swearing

fealty as they honored their part in the agreement.

High King Folgir's name after that day became Ironlaw.

The book is now lost to the ages, but the agreement remains intact."

High King Groxten Stonehammer's Statue

Standing five times as tall as a normal dwarf, this statue has been

carved from the living rock. This dwarf bears the gilded crown of a king of

Thaxanos, but his eyes have a far-off look. No hair tumbles from beneath

the crown to frame his face, the cheeks drawn, significant pouches beneath

each dull eye. The beard around his slack, expressionless mouth curls

loosely to his waist. The chain that he wears is picked out in beautiful

detail, every link its own piece. A stout mace hangs loosely in his right

hand, while a stout shield is held up in a warding position in the left.

The stone itself seems to glow with life, every hair on his body picked out

in infinte detail. This king stares ahead blankly, the lines of trouble

scouring his face giving the impression of a great, unending melancholy.

The base of the statue bears writing, explaining more about this king.

The writing reads:

"Behold ye now High King Groxten Stonehammer of Clan Xaprar,

King of Ill Fate and the Greatest Sacrifice.

High King Groxten's rule was one born of fear and necessity. At

the time of his election, the advancing Yinnae hordes crushed all

in their path, knowing neither friend nor foe, only those conquered.

Groxten was selected by the Thanes for his prowess in battle and his

mastery of tactics. He was deemed a competent protector for

the mountain folk.

His skills in battle were unmatched, as were his skills and strategies.

But an army the likes of the yinnae had never before been encountered.

In numerous skirmishes, units of dwarves were slaughtered simply for

lack of numbers against the bestial invaders. As the mounting number

of dead grew, the Thanes became more and more worried.

Badgering their chosen protector, unwilling to see their places fall into

other hands, they assaulted Groxten in court and in meetings. The High King

could not execute the Thanes, such would destroy the morale

of the city. Eventually he did all that he could do. He gave the call

to seal the mountain from entry. The orders went out for all to return

but not all managed to before the great stone doors closed. This was

the Great Betrayal that gave birth to the Xoxx. The clan Wargar,

in disobedience, stayed to continue with their duty to end the elves

and in doing so lost their right to the crown for all time as punishment.

Months later, High King Groxten Stonehammer abdicated from the throne,

knowing that his strength lie only outside the mountain, that he

was defenseless within it. He took his own life soon there after

in grief and to spare his kin the dishonor of his weakness."


From the lore of the lands.

Thaxanos is the Dwarven city under the mountain. Thaxanos is known for being

the most secure kingdom in the world as its inner Mountainous home provides

great shelter. Thaxanos is also known for its liquor and craftmanship of

its weapons and buildings. Thaxanos has 6 major clans, each with a Thane as

their leader. The King of Thaxanos serves a life long term. Upon one's

death, the Thanes vote in a new King.

Clans of Thaxanos

Wargar - The Wargar clan is a militant clan with a severe hatred for the

elves of the world. Wargar has on many occasions been the strong arm

militarily for Thaxanos.

When Thaxanos closed its doors to the world, Wargar chose not to cooperate,

and to continue their war with the elves. Their disobediance to Thaxanos

cost them the chance to ever lead Thaxanos with a King.

Xaprar - The Xaprar clan are the mountain dwarves. They are the oldest and

most noble of clans. Throughout history, the Xaprar have dominated the

position of King.

Xoxx - The Xoxx clan are the hill dwarves. Noble and ancient, yet they have

held no where near the power of the Xaprar clan. Xoxx dwarves are proud and

loyal to Thaxanos, but at times express severe anger at the mountain


Kexrar - The Kexrar are the dark dwarves of Thaxanos. They lived many

centuries under the mountain showing themselves only during times of revolt.

The Kexrar are loyal to Thaxanos when its time to war other races, but will

never miss a chance to try to gain power within Thaxanos.

Baewar - The Baewar are a clan of rash, crazed Dwarves. They are extremely

loyal to Thaxanos. Their eagerness to fight and protect Thaxanos is so

great, they are often times comical. No other clan seems to love being

Dwarves more than the baewar.

Nuexpar - The Nuexpar are a clan of wealthy mining dwarves. Early in

Thaxanos history, this group of dwarves were left ownership of what was

believed to be the poorest parts of the mountain. Within months, they found

gold and many other types of diamonds and minerals. They instantly became

rich, and also became the envy of the other clans. To this day, many other

clans are very jealous of the Nuexpar.


Grumf: **Laws of Thaxanos**

Mon Aug 23 03:39:35 2004

To: Thaxanos Wargar


Laws of Thaxanos


Do not under any circumstances speak on behalf of the kingdom unless given

permission by the throne specifically.


Citizens are encouraged to join a clan. Each clan has a function, find the

one that suits you. Lay a bouts are unwelcome, keep yourself busy, hard

work is expected. We are not the kind to allow our halls to be allowed to

sink into disrepair nor our stronghold to become vulnerable. It is the duty

of each citizen to aid in our kingdoms strength.


Interviews with prospective new citizens must be held. Kingdom Recruiters

must follow the basic criteria: Must have a suitable description. Must be

able to speak on their background. Must be able to state their forward



Respect must be shown to members of the kingdom on public forum, buy all

citizens. Dwarvish is encouraged to be spoken on the public forum as well.

This does not just include the common populace. Ranking officers are

expected to hold themselves to the highest standards of decorum when dealing

with anyone within these walls.


All citizens will be visible when they enter the communal hearth. As well

the repeated practice of skill and spell is not allowed within the hearth.

Do so in adjacent kingdom hall rooms. Additionally the communal hearth is

NOT a stable, leave your mounts in the nearby stables or tie them outside.


Only certain members of the kingdom may accept donations. The leadership

and council members, High King and Thanes. Notes must also be drafted

showing the time and amount of the donation written to the High King.


You are liable for your own actions when traversing the realms. If you

break the laws of a foreign kingdom then you will face the consequences of

your actions. As you are expected to obey the laws of Thaxanos you are

expected to obey the laws of the lands you traverse.


Officers of the Anvil and Hammer shall not capture or seek out criminals in

the lands of foreign kingdoms. The extradition of prisoners is in the hands

of diplomats.


The Kingdom hall contains a coffer which is for the purpose of holding and

redistributing old, unused or passed on gear and equipment. The communal

hearth is for resting, healing and discussion with your fellows. Garbage

and other refuse is not to gather there. If you've items you don't desire

to keep then place them in the coffer of dispose of them elsewhere. Do not

clutter the hearth needlessly.


Opinions may be shared and spoken allowed, however insubordination will be

dealt with harshly within the military. We are a free people, not a society

of undisciplined belligerence.

By Order of the High King, and council of Thanes

High King Grumf Thislebeard

A list of Wargar's Thanes

As remembered by Sir Akasi Midnite.

Their first thane that I recall was Thunder.

Then Forbous.

Then Beaunor.

There was another in between,

and then there was Zingin.

Who was followed by Krugnir.

Fearsome in their crusading days,

Honorable foes.


Rezadunt: Ranks within the Clan Wargar

Tue Aug 10 00:03:21 2004

To: Wargar Thaxanos


The following is a list of Ranks within Wargar. How to attain them and

how to keep them if they can be lost.

Lord/Lady: In order to become a lord or a lady, You must challenge the

current Lord or Lady of your particular Dwarven Race.

Lord/Lady Responsibilities & Duties: The Lords & Ladies of the respective

races are responsible for representing the will & want of their respective

races. They are also responsible for recruiting and screening Dwarves

wishing to join our halls

If you wish to challenge one of the Lords or Ladies, First, you must be at

least a clansman. Second, you must show cause for your challenge. And

lastly you must get the approval of at least one warcouncil member and


Warcouncil: Lords, Ladies & the Thane all MUST choose who they wish their

Warcouncil to be. The position of Warcouncil Battle must be won by

defeating the current Warcouncil Battle in an Honorable sanctioned duel. In

the event of any Warcouncil not doing their duty to Wargar, they will be


Warcouncil Duties & Responsibilities: The warcouncil is responsible helping

to decide who and how Wargar is to battle it's enemies. They are

responsible for choosing a thane in the event of a Mutiny, and are also

responsible for the recruiting and screening of dwarves wishing to join us.

So choose your Warcouncil Wisely Thanes. They have a bigger say in Wargar

than anyone else. Myself included.

The Lord, Ladies, & Thane have the right and responsibility to replace their

Warcouncil members if they are not upholding their Lords expectations, or

their duty to Wargar. In addition they may replace their Warcouncil at

their leisure. Warcouncil Battle may be challenged at any time by any

clansmen. In the event that for some reason a Warcouncil of a specific race

wishes to fight for Warcouncil Battle. They must first be replaced by the

Lord of their Race.

Longbeard: Longbeard is a rank usually held for former Thanes of the clan.

In some instances, however, Longbeard may be bestowed on someone who has

spent several years of their life in service to Wargar. Through the good

times and the bad. Dwarves who have shown resilience in the face of

adversity. In these rare cases the title and honor of being a Longbeard

will be awarded at the Thanes discretion.

Longbeard Duties & Responsibilities: The title of Longbeard once given, may

not be taken away unless the Longbeard leaves Wargar for someplace other

than Thaxanos. Longbeard duties will be recruiting and screening potential

soldiers wishing to join Wargar. As well as setting an example for the

whole clan to follow.

That is all for this Missive. My next missive regarding ranks will Include

Clansmen, FoeHammers, Hammerers, Oreborns & A new ranking called Anvil.

More information to come in my next Missive

What is a Clansmen? That is the question I had to ask myself as I was

deciding on the requirements to set for you all. The question gave me

pause, as I had never asked it before. It was a hard question to ask

myself. So I first decided to ask myself what has a clansmen been in the

past in Wargar. I've decided that what was enough in the past, is not

enough to be a clansmen in present day Wargar. Donating 5 or so eggs once

in your long dwarven lives, or helping fellow dwarves only when you wish to

attain rank or be noticed is unacceptable. With that in mind, I have

decided to make clansmen have ongoing requirements

Clansmen: The rank of Clansmen in the clan of Wargar is initially attained

by donating the sum of 10 eggs in one bulk some. You must complete a quest

given to you by the Lord of your race, a quest which they will have approved

by me to ensure they are being fair and reasonable. Once the quest is

completed, they must then serve as an apprentice 'gofer' for one of the

Warcouncil. During your time as their 'gofer' you will pretty much do

anything they ask of you. As long as it doesn't go against the policy of

Wargar This is a time in which you will be lower than the lowest Oreborn as

far as that Warcouncil is concerned. This period will last 2 weeks by the

old Calender. During this time, you must be around the halls very often.

When your time is up, I will speak with your Lord & Warcouncil, then I will

decide if you are worthy to be a Clansmen in this great clan.

As a Clansmen, you will have the right to vote in any of Wargar's elections.

(Except the Thane vote). Your duty to Wargar is simple.

1. Assist fellow dwarves whenever you can - Especially casters. Fighters

it is your duty to assist casters at every turn. They are few and far

between. Don't treat them as though they are better than you, but help them

when you can.

2. Donate 12 Eggs per year, One a month given at your leisure. If for some

reason you cannot make this donation for some reason. Speak with your Lord

& myself and we will work something out.

3. Lastly - RESPECT! Respect your fellow dwarves above all else. All we

have in this world is eachother. If we lose respect for eachother we cannot

exist. We ARE our brother's keeper. Know your kin and know that they are

there for you as you are for them.

Thats it, if you cannot or decide not to adhere to these guidlines, you will

be demoted to Oreborn again, and if you ever wish to be a clansmen again,

your requierments will be doubled.

Battleragers... This goes double for you. You are our elite soldiers, the

cream of the crop, the best Wargar has to offer. Do your clan proud and

lead by example, not by boasts.

FoeHammer: The Rank of FoeHammer is an honorary rank given to the best

killers among the ranks of Wargar. FoeHammer responsibilities, is to kill

our enemies and teach those not as skilled as themselves better strategy in


Hammerer: Hammerers is the fighter half of a 2 dwarf team. Any Clansmen may

be a hammerer as long as they have an Anvil to fight with.

Anvil: An Anvil is the Caster/Stealth half of a 2 dwarf team. Any Clansmen

may be an Anvil as long as they have a Hammerer to fight with.

The team of Anvil & Hammerer must give their team a name, and put it in

their title. Be like meat and potatoes, never seperated if they can help

it, and if they so desire... Join the team portion of the AGL to do Wargar


Oreborn: The rank of Oreborn is basically a foot soldier. You serve Wargar &

Thaxanos as a soldier would. You have no say in the workings of Wargar.

You are free to donate and help fellow dwarves, in fact as with us all you

are expected to. Yet you are still an Oreborn. You can have a say if you

speak through your Lord, but only because it's the Lords duty to express the

will of their race. Oreborns cannot be Battleragers or Runesmiths, once our

clerics have perfected the craft.

Thane Rezadunt Stormhammer


Rezadunt: The Long Awaited Battlerager Requirements

Thu Aug 19 20:18:12 2004

To: Wargar Thaxanos


I have decide how I wish to choose new Battleragers. Some of you have

heard various things about what requirements I will make. Several of them

are probably true. Hell, I told some of you... But here is the official.

First I had to ask myself what it means to be a Battlerager. Mastering the

Killing Rage is not something that should be granted to anyone and everyone

simply because they finish a few measly requirements. Being a Battlerager

is a Priveledge, a very very special priveledge. Being a Battlerager means

that you are the absolute Best we have to offer. You are the cream of our

crop, the ace of spades, the Alpha and the Omega of Wargar. The Be all, End

all, of Dwarven Fighters With that in mind, I give to you the New and

Improved Battlrager Requirements.

1. Must be Clansman or Above. Oreborns are not worthy of such a great


2. Must have been in Wargar and ACTIVE for a minimum of 6 months by the old

calendar. Do not expect to join Wargar with aspirations of becoming a

Battlerager quickly. Not going to happen.

3. You must have completed your initial training and been at the 51st cycle

for a minimum of 2 months by the old calendar.

4. You must be a contributer to the clan. Via spells, eggs, tanking,

training, killing... There are many ways one can be a contributer. But you

must in some way be an Asset to the clan. Sitting in hall waiting to become

a Battlerager isn't helping.

5. You must find an ACTIVE Battlerager that has finished their training,

willing to Tutor you. Apprenticing a Battlerager means you AND the

Battlerager must be active in Wargar. If your mentor isn't active, you will

not be considered for Battlerager.

6. Mentors, You must have a short list of personal requirements for your

apprentice. Submit it to me or one of the Lords for approval.

7. Submit to Wargar & Thaxanos the story of your first Rage. If you send

it to the Story note spool, send a reminder Wargar & Thaxanos in the notes

spool that it's there.

8. Submit to Wargar & Thaxanos a Drinking song. Same rule applies for

Story Notes as the previous.

9. You must deposit 10 Eggs in one lump sum directly to Wargar's clan Bank

Account. This is your entry fee into the Battlerager Acceptance Guild

Tournament. So do not do it until Tournament time rolls around.

10. You must have at LEAST 5 confirmed kills or 20 assists. These must be

against our most hated enemy and the reason for our existance...

Shalonesti. Post the kills & assists to the clan and keep a running count

as you do. 1 kill is worth 4 assists, and vice versa.

11. Once you have finished your apprenticeship, you must write a missive to

Wargar & Thaxanos describing what you've learned under your Mentor about the

Killing Rage & Being a Battlerager..

12. You must aid and get written recommendations from at least 3 fellow

dwarves in Wargar or Thaxanos. The type of aid can be almost anything...

Tanking, Spells, Rescuing in PK... Pretty much anything.

13. You must donate at LEAST 2 eggs to Thaxanos via one of the Thanes or

High King Grumf. Who you must then get to write a note for you to Wargar &

Thaxanos that you donated.

14. The New Battlerager Guild Acceptance Tournament - This is the

biggest change to the tasks related to becoming a Battlerager. Ragers will

no longer be Given away or Rewarded. Once you complete all the requirements

given to you, and when you pay the 10 eggs, you may enter this tournament.

It will be a one on one Pk tournament in which you will face off against

prospective Battleragers. It will be a bracketed, double elimination style

tournament. Which means one loss will not take you out of the tournament.

The fights will be held (Zzyzk Willing) in the AGL Arena. You will be given

time to prepair. Anything Goes Including Quest Potions! So prepare as

best you can. And prepare for anything. (Within the rules)

The winner of the tournament will be given the opportunity right then and

there to reclass to battleragers, so they had better be ready or they will

miss the opportunity.

Myself, 2/3 of the Lords, or all 5 Warcouncils may veto your victory. If

this happens the runner up will be given an opportunity to reclass

Battlerager. If I find out that a veto was in ANY way motivated by OOC...

I will renegade everyone that voted for the veto AND the runner up...

Regardless of if they claim to have had knowledge of it or not. So if you

plan to veto, you better make DAMNED sure it's for a DAMNED good reason. I

can't think of a good enough reason off the top of my head to veto someone,

but it better be a good one.

The Runner up will be allowed to enter the next Tournament for free. Anyone

else that fought in the tournament will have to pay 5 eggs to enter the next

tournament. If they lose again, it's down to 2. 5 eggs, If they lose

again, it's down to 1 egg, If they lose yet again, then they must start from

the beginning. That includes ALL requirements reset.

One of the Lords or Warcouncil may Sponsor you for 5 eggs If they think yer

the right dwarf fer the Battlerager Corp.

This system is more in depth than any we've ever had but I'm certain it will

be better all around and more fair to future ragers and Wargar. If you have

any questions or concerns feel free as always to address me directly or by


Thane Rezadunt Stormhammer


Kogard: **The Battleragers Guild**

Fri Aug 20 00:32:14 2004

To: Thaxanos Wargar


For those of you that intend or shall be chosen to learn the Killing

Rage. You will have to know and complete the following things before you

will be admitted into the guild.

You must attain the highest level of training as a Warrior. You will be

sent to the Thane of the Baewar clan. The Baewar clan shall aid you in

finding a fully trained Rager to apprentice under. Your mentor will test

you and train you until they are satisfied that you are ready to join the


You must be proficient in the following skills before joining the guild.

Your mentor shall test you in battle before he accepts you as an apprentice.

Axe and Dagger, Dual Wield, Shield Block, Bash, Fast healing, Parry, Dodge

and Berserk.

It is recommended that you know how to: Disarm and Dirt Kick.

You must also be familiar with the following magical spell groups:

Benedictions Protection

It is recommended that you know the following spell groups: Transportation

and Enhancement.

After you have been tested to see if you can complete the aforementioned

abilities. You must tell a tale of when it was found you had the spark of

Rage or when you felt you had the Killing Rage within you.

You must also work for the quest master until you have obtained 15 eggs and

15000 quest vouchers. That you will be informed how to spend and donate.

It will also be expected of you to tell tales of your training and progress

to the entire kingdom regularly. You will also join the Hammer Division of

the military and shall be under the direct command of the Thane of the

Baewar until you are fit to join the guild and then transferred to regular


-Thane Kogard Angrum. Leader of the (Baewar) and head of the BattleRager guild


Grumf: **Minutes of the Thane's Council**

Mon Aug 23 04:07:35 2004

To: Thaxanos Wargar



Earlier this eve a council was held between king and council. Issues were

once again raised and matters voted upon. We welcomed some new faces to the

council as well. Skolla returned as head of the Kexrar, and Rezadunt on

behalf of Wargar. I was pleased to have the company of these kinsmen. As

well Urobus, Drekhan and Gul'nar joined us bringing valued information and

opinion to council. Thelgar witnessed these events as well as he learns in

his bid to become, one day, Thane of the Xaprar.

Firstly the Thanes reported on the various ongoings within there clans.

While discussing the Kexrar, the Towers of the Magi came up and Gul'nar was

called upon to expound. Recently the Conclave has sought to bring mages

from Thaxanos into their towers for proper training, once they've attained

their robes they'd be free to return to Thaxanos and I assume Wargar with

the knowledge of the secret texts. Those of you whom cast among the Kexrar,

seek out Gul'nar on further details for these "exchanges" of information

with the clave.

Rezadunt spoke at length on the new changes to Wargar, it seemed to be the

consenus of the council to suport him wholely as he shapes the clan Wargar.

I most heartily thank him for his attendance. I hope to see him further and

relations to become binding to one another once more between Thaxanos and


Urobus and Drekhan both reported on matters of the military and Urobus

stayed to vote on later issues after Girn was forced to take his leave.

Urobus has brought up several facts that must be addressed.

Firstly- the way in which encounters with possible hostile forces are delt

with. Order must be maintained at all times. Over the course of the last

several months, we have had encounters that nearly lead to blows, which in

turn could have easily ended in the routing of our forces. Do almost in

whole to the lack of disapline within the ranks, insubordinate and

buligerant attitudes within the ranks while a commanding officer is trying

to deal with an advisary.

Thane Kogard, Urobus and Drekhan shall be meeting, discussing and

stratigiesing ways of fixxing this. With regard this means buckling down

lads, theres going to be some fixxing going on. I expect full compliance

from Grunts, Peacekeepers, Soldiers and Constables. Things are going to get

tough real quick if things don't shape up.

These three commanding officers have also been tasked with job of coming up

with suitable requirements for advancement within the two branches of the

military. Drekhan has issued a list thus far, I'd like all to regard it as

the standard untel a new list has been compiled and approved.

Secondly- Recruitment into the military. A vote was taken on Urobus' plan

of action to draft prospective military recruits. As of now all new

citizens will be drafted into the military. They will either choose the

Hammer or Anvil unit. They will fulfill a three month tour of duty during

which they can make the effort to advance, or simply serve out their duty as

a Grunt or Peacekeeper and at the end of the three month duty will be

discharged honorably from the Hammer or Anvil.

After military matters were layed to rest the issue of treaties and treaty

status was discussed. The information regarding our possible new treaties

shall remain unknown for the time being untel the details are better

hammered out. To put it simply the council deadlocked on the issue.

All in all it was a very informative council and I thank again all whom


High King Grumf Thislebeard


Beazel: Drinking Song

Tue Aug 24 01:38:58 2004

To: Thaxanos Wargar


Tha Elves of tha nort' came to our 'all

Yellin' an screamin' lookin' for ah brawl

Dancin' an prancin' while tryin' ta take all

Hopin' ta make us scream an crawl

Raise your mugs Lads, raise'm high!

Listen to tales of elf demise.

Dwarven pride be strong till ye die,

Come on' Lads, let them mugs rise!

Thunderin' sounded from th'mountain side,

As axes clanged an' armor shined.

A wave of rage emerged from inside,

Sendin' twigs to run an' hide.

Raise your mugs Lads, raise'm high!

Listen to tales of elf demise.

Dwarven pride be strong till ye die,

Come on' Lads, let them mugs rise!


Briya: Elves Fall from Grace

Wed May 9 23:44:38 2012

To: All Cliath Imm rp


Many years ago when tha world was still new

The mighty Cliath took a likin ta tha grandest race of all

Us dwarves may have our flaws but as ta who could argue about our grandness with a God, there be few

Favor us so much did Father Cliath tha' he allowed us ta work an reside within his hall

Now begins meh favorite part of history

Those tree huggin, nit wit twigs proved just how bloody foolish they are

Unable ta handle our favor an contain thar jealousy

They had tha audacity ta capture tha father of Creation, which of course was cause fer war

Now as ta wot those bloody twigs were thinkin, yer guess is as good as mine

They took control o his forge ta tinkered with things they ought not ta touch

Ets said that perhaps they had some help from another of tha divine

But ef one did, a cruel joke et turned out ta be fer there wos little good ta come from such.

Flawed were the twigs in thar creation technique

Something that nah surprises us dwarves at all

Aftah all its trees they hump an that es certainly unique

But splinters and bent twigs means they are nah smart an nah had far ta fall

An fall they sure did fer what they unleashed upon tha world was nothing short of foul

Tha ogres could be argued ta nah be such a curse

But those green skins are uglier than tha worst lookin sow

A mistake it certainly was, created by tha only race tha could be considered worse

Once freed from tha tree humpers, did Cliath unleash his fury

From his hall the dwarves were sent

To retrieve his hammer an any secrets tha twigs stole, in a hurry

Now tasked by tha Father himself, off ta war tha dwarves went

In this land we do remain, our job still one and the same

For the elves they cannot be trusted so watched they must be

The twigs just think we want to smear their name

But us dwarves all know the truth an fight we will for one day Cliath's hall we will once again see.

Briya Hammerheart

Cliath's Wench