Officers of Knighthood

Generals of the Crown

Herein are named the Generals of the Crown

- Tesalon Gareth -

Founder of Knighthood

San Gohdam

Privus the Good

Croyden Vesuvius

Darion Doreath

Vanaard V'Dare

Gideon Bane

Kiery Elistar

Krysten Corwen

Seal Breingiton

Rheidyr Glain

Leumas Circe

Jhervais LaFortinas

Aedon d'Aggravaine

Leumas Circe

Aedon d'Aggravaine

Aenarion dePayens

Gwynn Struan

Sesshoumaru Tenryou

Aenarion dePayens

Sesshoumaru Tenryou

Lock'nah Kalamegar

Gwynn Struan

Victis Malory-Arbiter

Gwaine d'Aggravaine

Kiery Elistar

Mercerion Mamoritai

Aliera Amarandus

Maelwys Malory


Generals of the Lance

Herein are named the Generals of the Lance

San Gohdam

Rygen LaTorres

Gideon Bane

Arkayn Soulblade

Kuldan Madaur

Garyn est Taruncyn

Piergeron Corwen

Valis MacGregor (on retirement to Nordmaar)

Xybian Llangedai-Madaur

Leumas Circe

Jhervais LaFortinas

Trellor Almstead

Aedon d'Aggravaine

Aenarion dePayens

Marlene Calvert

Aenarion dePayens

Kaitlenn Rathe

Leumas Circe

Garamond Rannoch

Leumas Circe

Perion Lyon

Taegan Malory

Sesshoumaru Tenryou

Kusanami Shinomori

Aenarion dePayens

Lock'nah Kalamegar

Kaurov Teza

Kuldan Madaur

Kaurov Teza

Victis Malory-Arbiter

Mercerion Mamoritai

Acthus Renetar


Rithor Thorne


Chretien de'Troyes

Gaudin of Arles

Mercerion Mamoritai


Sabien Deemir

Generals of the Shield

Herein are named the Generals of the Shield

Semus O'Dally

Daegius ap Grinaard

Steel Talon


Krysten Corwen

Aelynn Llangedei

Gwaine d'Aggravaine

Garn Laener

Muse d'Aggravaine

Gwaine d'Aggravaine

Mathise d'Aggravaine

Suradis LaFortinas

Aedon d'Aggravaine

Leumas Circe

Maelwys Malory

Leumas Circe

Gwynn Struan

Amargein Morna

Kaitlenn Rathe

Leumas Circe

Galavant Keiyns

Bolter Sha'fen

Gwynn Struan

Amargein Morna

Aenarion dePayens

Jerrand Breingiton

Galavant Keiyns

Kaurov Teza

Jerrand Breingiton

Bolter Sha'fen

Salinor Morean

Anysse Renetar

Datai d'Aggravaine

Gwynn Struan

Rassilon Shiroken

Esian Choruson

Mercerion Mamoritai

Ruydiez deCampe

Aliera Amarandus

Maelwys Malory


Tesalon Gareth

Tesalon Gareth was born into a noble family in the court of Ser'Phan,

founder of Serpantol. There is little if any recorded about his early life,

but I can only assume he was taught the principles of righteousness and

virtue from an early age. As he matured, he felt there was a need for a

military force that would follow the precepts of righteousness. He put a

great deal of thought into how it would be established. As part of his

preparation, he requested that the Gods, Austinian, Nadrik and Siccara would

bless the project and be a guiding part of its daily operation. They agreed

to do this. He also wished for it to be a highly disciplined fighting force

following the ideology that the means justify the ends. And so it became

the Knighthood of Serpantol.

Righteous warriors flocked to their banner and it became a force that was

far advanced of any other army. Tesalon was a master at strategic

alliances and politics. He had a personality of such great charisma that he

inspired others to follow him. Because of the protection offered by the

Knights, he was able to unite the barbarian settlements of Ser'Phan and mold

them into the Empire of Serpantol during his lifetime. Villages of an evil

nature were bested by the sword, then incorporated into the Empire and

civilized. Thus, it did not take Tesalon Gareth long to have most of the

known world either allied with or under the banner of Serpantol. During the

course of this expansion of the Empire, Tesalon built several outposts, one

of which is the present day Gareth's Keep.

Despite, or perhaps because of their success in battle, the Empire of

Serpantol became increasingly corrupt as time went on. San Gohdam was the

Lance General at the time and in charge of military operations. Near the

end of Tesalon's life, he turned over the Crown General position to San

Gohdam. I believe that his motivation was that he was old and he felt that

San would have a better chance of dealing with the yinnae threat because of

his experience as the Lance General. The process of transfer of power was

not recorded, but some think that Tesalon suddenly died, some say he was

murdered, and some think that it was conducted while Tesalon was still

alive in the same ceremony that we use today. It is unfortunate that San

Gohdam's choices did not reflect Knighthood's values. But Tesalon Gareth

would have had no way to look into the future to see this.

I have learned several things from studying Tesalon Gareth's life. The

first is that a life of righteousness provides its own reward. One can

clearly see that in how blessed he was in all he did. The other thing I

have learned is that one cannot correctly judge another's leadership

abilities from their prowess in the battlefield. This is shown very well by

the choices San Gohdam made after he became Lord Crown. He tried to take

the 'easy way' by turning the phrase around and wishing the ends to justify

the means. As will be shown in my article about the partial destruction of

the Temple within the Keep, it takes great strength of will to take the

virtuous path, and to let the consequences fall where they may.

- Faelinda Amaranth

A Serpantol Mystery

One day Father Caenarfon Corwen and myself, Lorekeeper Datai d'Aggravaine,

were sitting in the Altar room when a blue mist appeared to rise from the floor.

We detected no sense of evil from the mist, and then it coalesced to show a

vision of the ruins of Serpantol. The Father and I went to the ruins of Serpantol

South and explored the Fort there.

Up within the cafeteria the ghost of Tesalon appeared before us. It wavered

and had great difficulty manifesting itself. He told us that a great and terrible

secret was buried upon the grounds there. A truth which would have to be

learned and guarded with wisdom.

We dug and searched the grounds, and came upon a tattered page of parchment:

And in the days of my youth behold, I came across a beautiful woman whom

worshipped the dark diety Mencius. My lack of wisdom at such an age lead to

my persuit of her, which she demanded I join her in worship of her god,

which shamefully I did. This I have not shared with a soul and remains the

soul burden upon my shoulders.


- Lorekeeper Datai d'Aggravaine

A Lesson of Tesalon Gareth's Youth

Some nights ago we received a visitation from the spirit of Tesalon

Gareth in Serpantol, and he was sorely vexed.

Long ago in his youth, it appears that the illustrious founder of our Order,

Tesalon Gareth was seduced by a beautiful follower of Mencius, and when she

requested he bow down and worship Mencius with her, then he did so.

His spirit has long felt this shame, and we feel that it is in the best

interests of Truth that this message be spread to his knights. We teach

that we tell the Truth, even if it leads to our death.

If we confess our transgressions and make amends for them then we shall

grow. For we are all shaped by our past, and from youth, our wisdom grows

to learn from our mistakes.

Perhaps in committing this sin it gave him the drive and desire to form the

Knighthood and win an empire for Serpantol. So this is a valuable lesson.

We will all make mistakes as we aspire to Good. It is our drive to do the

right thing which makes us Good. Our founder was a man who aspired like we

do. And look what he accomplished.

Corwen, High Clerist


Lady Crown Gwynn Struan

Fri Jul 30 16:15:14 2010


It is a shame that this superb leader has never been awake when I have

been so I could speak with her personally on her life and perceptions of it.

So I shall give a picture of her gleaned from my memories and those of many

others within the Keep.

To begin, I summarize and quote from the 'Memoirs of Aenarion de Payens'.

When Gwynn was young, her dream was to be a paladin. She was not overly

adept in battle, so Aenarion suggested that she pursue the priesthood

instead. Gwynn .. Saw that her stumbling block matched a dire need within

Knighthood, and rather than choosing to maintain her path, she put the

Keep's needs in front of her (own) and took up the mantle of the priest. He

further adds that this is how she addressed every other decision she made.

The needs of the Keep always superseded her own. She is described as being

gentle and soft-spoken, yet with greater conviction in her beliefs than any

other Knight. She was a true Crown Knight, first to arrive on the field and

last to leave. This did make protecting her in battle rather difficult.

She faced many challenges during her tenure. The first major one was when

Austinian appeared to her and gave an ultimatum expelling all those with

less honorable fighting styles from the Keep. This included all the

assassins, thieves, charlatans, witches and warlocks. She attempted to

reason with her Lord, but to no avail. She had to watch as many of her most

loyal Knights were removed from Gareth's. Some of them did return in time

through much work and the changing of their paths to obey Austinian's

decree. Another challenge came from the destruction of the northern part of

the Keep and the cursing of the chapel. It took many, many years of

righteous living and preparations to restore it as it is today. I am sure

that there was grief dished out to her by those of evil persuasions and

sometimes those of good on a daily basis. How she maintained her composure

in the face of it all says much about her character and strength of will.

She was ever ready to help those newly come to the Keep, yet insisted that a

strict discipline be observed. She was known for being able to make difficult

decisions wisely and quickly. She guided many pages and squires into a more

enlightened state as they progressed to Knighthood under her watchful eye.

She showed by her example how a Knight should act. She was able to lead the

Keep through trial after trial and yet win several clan championships. Much

more could certainly be said in her praise, but the most important to me is

she kept the Knights on the straight path to honor, and the legacy she left

continues on today.

- Faelinda Amaranth