Roll of Confessors

Dead - The Knight walks Algoron no more

Fallen - The Knight has left the keep and is no longer a Confessor

Renegade - The Knight has left the keep but remains a Confessor

Missing - The Knight has gone missing in combat

Retired - The Knight has set aside his sword in a Kingdom


Chretien de Troyes

Drakonn Garat

Falric Marwyn

Sacheverell uth Aquitaine

Redmond St. Charles

Lepidus D'Laine


Cairhien MacLeod


Esian Choruson

Theudoric Rho

Taiyang Zhao


Drakonn turned his back on the keep and joined Bloodlust.

Chretien de Troyes has laid down his staff honorably and taken up the mantle of Paladin.

Lepidus D'Laine has laid down his staff honorably and has left the Knighthood.

Cairhien MacLeod has passed away and now serves Nadrik in spirit.

Falric Marwyn was found guilty at Tribunal and dishonorably discharged from service as a Knight of Gareth.