Huyana and a question of taking a life

Huyana tells you 'Good day to you, Father. My name is Huyana, a possible applicant of Gareth's Keep. Something troubles me however, and I would seek your counsel, if you have the time.'

You tell Huyana 'How may I assist you?'

Huyana tells you 'I have been reading over some tomes that the Lady d'Aggravaine was most kind in granting me from the Keep's Library. I have always felt that to take a life, no matter the reason or the circumstances, is wrong. So I find myself torn, as it is very clear the Keep requires willing fighters.'

You tell Huyana 'Have you heard of the "Just War"?'

Huyana tells you 'No, Father. I have not.'

You tell Huyana 'If I could send you a book.'

Huyana tells you 'I would be quite happy to make the walk to the Keep if you wish, Father Corwen.'

Datai d'Aggravaine floats in.

Datai says (to You) 'How's the tourneys, Father?'

You say 'Do you know Sister Huyana?'

Datai says 'Yah, I met her a few days ago.'

Datai says (to You) 'I gave her a bunch of books on the Library, she wanted to learn more about the Knighthood.'

You tell Huyana 'There are works of mine and in the "Theology of Algoron" which outline when war is justified.'

Datai says (to You) 'She's from New Thalos, but lives in Althainia.'

Datai says (to You) 'Is a cleric of Austinian, I think.'

You tell Huyana 'For example, your neighbour asks for half your lands, or will invade you. Then when you have given half, they ask for half again with the same threat.'

You tell Huyana 'There are certain conditions, due to the evil in people where peace cannot be obtained.'

Huyana tells you 'I make no protest of war, Father, or battle. My people have often had to defend their right to live in peace where they have always lived, but to take a life... To end the existence of another being...'

You tell Huyana 'And if one of evil seeks your death, will you give them your life?'

You tell Huyana 'If one of evil is at your mercy, then that is another question all together.'

Huyana tells you 'I feel... moved to be merciful of all. To be strong so that I have the power to make that decision, but to show that the deeds of the wicked will not go unchecked.'

You tell Huyana 'How you treat others within your mercy is your gift to them, and your responsibility to your conscience.'

Huyana tells you 'I would ask, Father... Were I to always grant such mercy, would I find myself estranged from the Keep? I am willing to fight, but not to take what is not mine.'

You tell Huyana 'This is your choice. We will not condemn or judge you.'

Huyana tells you 'Then that alone eases all of my worries and fears. Thank you, Father. I am grateful for your time and counsel.'

You tell Huyana 'You are welcome Sister Huyana. You remind me of a Sister Jenikki.'

Huyana tells you 'Thank you, Father. I hope that they are good memories for you.'

You tell Huyana 'Peace is blessed, although not always possible we aspire to it.'

Huyana tells you 'I understand that peace cannot last, though I pray feverently that it could. As long as there is darkness within the hearts of people, then there will always be a dance of peace, revolution and war.'