The Chancel of Confessors

Good and evil continue their eternal struggle. The battle sways, Gods banished, Gods slain, the forces of Good, having borne casualties regroup and gird themselves to face the oncoming tide of evil and chaos. The knights of Gareth have led the battle against the ungodly and heretic. Clerics, priests and sages of the Shield labour to instill the knightly virtues and religious teachings to others of the Keep who are trained to arms hold the field against the foe.

With the imprisonment of Nadrik, Siccara has grown in prominence amongst the pantheon of Good. The Shield Matron, wishing to ensure the purity of faith and purpose of her brother’s beloved Knights, has inspired the guild of Confessors amongst them. These Knights, drawing on the stern Code of the Keep, and teachings of the gods of Good gain the knowledge to turn the battle against the unbelievers.

With Siccara’s blessing they go forth to cleanse the world of evil and heal the wounds of chaos.

Bearing salvation in one hand, uplifting their fellow warriors of the Keep, and rendering judgment against the non-believers and heretics with the other. The Confessors are inherently lawful, and are driven to bring everyone into the lawful good fold; anyone who is not, is target for persuasion or judgment.

They receive basic martial training making them capable in the field. They are trained in the staff, dagger, whip and flail. They learn to parry and dodge, to inflict enhanced damage. They are able to inflict rapid blows with the staff, as a pugilist would, and can attack up to three times in a combat round. Due to their fanatic belief, they eschew the protection of the shield, instead relying on their faith and fervour to see them safe.


Gwaine: Requirements to the Guild of Confessors.

Thu Jan 19 12:20:30 2012


Men and women of Gareth

The follow criteria need be met to be considered for guild of Confessors:

1. Aspirant to the guild must have gained their specialisation either

as Knight of the Lance, Shield Guardian, Shield Clerist.

2. Aspirant must be in good standing in the Keep, demonstrating through

their conduct, to the satisfaction of the Generals of the Keep, their

understanding of the standards required of a Knight.

3. Aspirant may not have any pending disciplinary matters, and if any

recently incurred, have completed the penance required by the

supervising knight or officer.

4. Aspirant must demonstrate consistency in service, contributing to

general Keep activities both in the Keep and on the field, over a

period of at least one month, by the old calendar.

5. Aspirant must demonstrate an understanding of the cornerstones of

the four pillars that guide this Keep's purpose:

i. The Oath of Gareth's Keep

ii. The Virtues of the Knighthood

iii. The Code of Knighthood (The olde Code of the Knighthood)

iv. The Measure of the Keep

An aspirant meeting these criteria may approach a Colonel or General to

indicate their intention to seek the Guild of Confessors.

If the interviewing Colonel or General deems the aspirant's intention worthy

the aspirant will be required to scribe a formal missive requesting permission

to study with Lady Massadah, this missive should indicate the aspirant's

motivation in seeking such study.

These are preliminary requirements and may be amended in due course.

d'Aggravaine, Crown.

A list of those who have been inducted as a Confessor may be found in the History section.