A definition of honor with Azbogah the Archon

You pray to Azbogah 'Hail Archon.'

You pray to Azbogah 'How goes your preparations?'

Azbogah tells you 'It comes along steadily.'

You pray to Azbogah 'Is there more I might assist you with?'

Azbogah tells you 'I still have some work to finish before the next full moon, but it should hopefully be accomplished.'

You pray to Azbogah 'I am working on some prayers with a less rigid approach to honor.'

Azbogah tells you 'A less rigid approach?'

You pray to Azbogah 'As we are mortal, and must modify our view as we learn by experience, tolerance and understanding.'

You pray to Azbogah 'We must keep our word, but be wary of giving it as we understand our limitations.'

You pray to Azbogah 'Also we must be tolerant and understand that others of Good do not follow Gareth's prescription of honor. We must not ostricize them because they do not conform to our high ideals of what we believe honor to be.'

Azbogah tells you 'Yes, making obligations and promises one cannot keep would tarnish their honor. One must be careful in how they give their word on matters.'

You pray to Azbogah 'Honor is a subjective virtue, so I am considering a common position for honor that all might be able to gather around and adhere to.'

You pray to Azbogah 'Something similar to Taliena's "All you need is Love" is something the Talienites can all rally around. '

You pray to Azbogah 'I would like to find something similar for Nadrik to allow everyone to work together.'

Azbogah tells you 'Lord Nadrik commands, Honor above All Else. Perhaps is a start?'

You pray to Azbogah 'Aye, he has said as much before. Perhaps that is the right vein to advance upon.'

Azbogah tells you 'It is a strong anchor to secure one's self to.'

You pray to Azbogah 'After all, everyone can get behind honor above all else, it is good and general and will not impact on the different subjective honor which many hold.'

Azbogah tells you 'The path of Nadrik is not an easy path. It is not a path meant for all.'

You pray to Azbogah 'What is right, rather than what is right for yourself.'

Azbogah tells you 'Correct, which is where his priests come in, to help in the definition, the guidance of others to Honor.'

You pray to Azbogah 'To first understand the individual, and then what honor means to them.'

Azbogah tells you 'What honor means to one does not mean honor to another. However, honor does not move and sway so easily.'

You pray to Azbogah 'That is the challenging part for mortals to comprehend.'

You pray to Azbogah 'How it may be both rigid and flexible.'

Azbogah tells you 'Which is why the path of honor is not meant for all.'

You pray to Azbogah 'Yes, I like where this conversation is going. It is a higher moral road to walk, for those with the virtue to walk it.'

You pray to Azbogah 'And to avoid the pride and arrogance of the moral high road. That is the trap to which many fall.'

You pray to Azbogah 'To walk the moral high road with honor will become meaningless if you use it as a tool to make ones self look better to others.'

Azbogah tells you 'A little bit of pride can be a good thing as it is what keeps a knight's armor clean and in functional order. It is when as you said, arrogance comes in to play that the problems arise.'

You pray to Azbogah 'A temperance, to take pride in your work, so that it is meaningful, yet not so much that it clouds your judgement.'

Azbogah tells you 'The difference being, one that cleans his armor so that it is functional and cared for, versus the one who would refuse to soil his armor to begin with.'

You pray to Azbogah 'Yes, this is the temperance that the folk of Good ought to seek. Extremes are not usually helpful to the cause of Good.'