Guides for New Adventurers

In the spirit of education and the protection of those in need, as the Order of Austinians sought to do years ago, I have reserved this shelf in the library for guides, maps and charts which may be of aid. Siccara bless, - Lorekeeper Datai d'Aggravaine.

Good Places for the New Adventurer

Here are a few places for a new adventurer to go,

and battle minor evils. Siccara ward you!

In the city of Althainia:

From The Temple of the Gods, 2 south is Market Square.

From Market Square, 6 east are the Cross Roads.

Temple of the Gray Order (From Cross roads), east, south

There is a resting room, good to rest in between adventures.

Gully Dwarves (From Cross roads), east, and north.

Centaurs (From Cross roads, 4 south, 2 east, south, 2 east,

down, 2 east, north into them.

University (From Market Square), west to "Inside west gate",

3 south, east into the University.

Squatter Village (From Cross roads), 3 north, 2 east, south.

Careful as some squatters are aggressive or assist each other.

Look for the tarnished mithril ring from the female gully dwarves,

and the linen robe from the Kender Queen.

Gargoyles (From Cross roads), 4 south, 2 east, south, 2 east,

down, east into them. (Caution while climbing the tower to the east,

there are aggressive creatures there.)

Gladiator Arena (From Market Square), 6 south, east, south,

2 east, south, 2 east and say "I am ready to fight." Careful,

some gladiators are aggressive and will gang up on you. Scan

before heading in a direction.

Ruins of Thalos (From Cross roads), 4 south, 4 west.

Be careful, the lamias wander around and gang up on people, scan

to be sure there is just one in the next room.

After having mastered these places you might travel to the

Nomad Village (From Cross roads), 3 west, 4 north, 2 west,

7 north, 9 east.

Compiled by,

Dravhi of the Order of Austinians

Lady Datai d'Aggravaine, Songstress of Siccara

A Guide to Althainia's Guild Halls

Once you have graduated from the Academy and are eligable to train and

practice for the sixth time, you will have to visit a guildmaster. The

guildmaster will help you practice your skills and spells, train in the

five main characteristics, or gain new skills, spellgroups, or retrain.

You may also change your religion, become a loner (and retire later

when you complete your training), or request a merit quest with him.

A universal guildmaster is situated in each city, but this sage can

only teach the basics of each class up to the fifthteenth training

session. After you have exausted his general knowledge, you will have

to find your class' guild hall. Each city has guild halls approprate

for that kingdom situated in or around the city limits. To help you

on your way, here are the directions to the city of Althainia's

guild halls, given in city blocks from The Temple of the Gods in


* The universal guildmaster: n, u

* Guild of Bards: 1s 3e

* Guild of Clerics: 1s 1w 1n

* Guild of Mages: 2s 2w 2s

* Guild of Thieves: 3s 1e 1s 1e

* Guild of Warriors: 2s 2e 2s

* Guild of Charlatans: 3s 6e

* Guild of Jongleurs: 2s 3w 3n 1e 2s

* Guild of Skalds: s, e, s

* Guild of Crusaders: 1s 1ne 1e

* Guild of Druids: 2s 3e 4n 2w 3n 2e 1n 1e 2n

* Guild of Priests: 1s 1nw 1w

* Guild of Shamans: 2s 3w 8s 2e 1s 1se

* Guild of Enchantors: 2s 3e 5s 1se 1e

* Guild of Illusionists: 2s 3e 5s 1ne 1nw

* Guild of Witches/Warlocks: 3s 3e 2n

* Guild of Armsmen: 3s, 2e,s, w

* Guild of Barbarians: 2s 3e 4n 2w 3n 2e 1n 2e 1s 1d

* Guild of Rangers: 2s 5w 2s

* Guild of Swashbucklers: 3s 2e 1s 1e

* Guild of Assassins: 3s 4e 5s w n d

* Guild of Bandits: 2s, 3w, 2s, w

* Guild of Nightshades: 3s, e, s, w

** Thank you to Korinne and the Althainian scouts and map recorders

for shareing this informantion. **

by Lioness Tygereye

Edited by Lorekeeper Datai d'Aggravaine

Pirates' Guilds

Althainia - From The Port of Althainia: .4w;sw

Arkania - From the Arkania Port: .6e;.3s;w;u;w

Tropica - In the Pirate's Haven from the Tropica Dock: s;.3w;nw;w;.2u;.2w;nw;u;s;.4w;d;e;s;.2w;nw;s;.2w;n;e;.2d;ne;se;.4e;ne;.2e;s;open east;e;say friend;e;s;.2e;.5s;.4w;n

- from Sunshine's Guides

Upon these shelves are many maps and guide books to traveling the world of Algoron.

This guide has many useful tips for a page or squire new to the dangerous field of battle.