Weekend in Shanghai

Post date: 21-Nov-2009 15:57:35

We stayed at a hotel called the Bund because Colin found us a cheap deal on Twitter. It was a fairly nice hotel that had a great bath and shower. However, everything cost money. It was 10.00 Cdn per day for Interent. You had to pay to run on the treadmill or play ping pong.

We toured the Jade Buddha Temple where we saw people lighting incenses and praying. The temple was built in 1918. The reclining buddha and jade buddha are jade but they are not green. I was rather confused because I thought that jade was green but the buddhas were white.

Prayer Cushions


Near the temple, we found a local market and a tourist market where Colin bought a laser. He heard from his Diggnation podcast you can buy crazy lasers in China. We decided to try it out during our rainy evening at the hotel. You have to see it to believe it, so you must watch this video to see us giggling like two little kids. We can't wait to use it to play with our cats when we get home.

We wanted to try McDonald's at least once while we were in Japan, so we went there for supper. I had spicy crispy chicken wings and Colin had a burger.

We also had a melon ice cream cone and a purple ice cream float. We are not sure what the purple flavor was but it wasn't very good.

Green tea and chocolate blizzard

Kumquat Lemonade (we didn't just eat ice cream all weekend)

Broccoli and wild fungus

Other random photos from around Shanghai:

Two kids that posed for us

Warm weather and tank tops

Rollerblading Lessons

Haibao the 2010 Expo Mascot

Burger King Advertisement

Laundry drying on a street corner

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