Natural History Museum Day

Post date: 31-Jul-2009 21:52:27

This post is coming a little late...oops.

Let me blast through what happened today. Hoped on the tube and got lost downtown because we got off at the wrong station. We had to walk the whole length of a big long park that took us about 45 minutes to walk through. Finally, we found the Mongolian Embassy. Applying for the visa was a breeze. We handed over our passports, filled out some papers and we were out of there in about 10 minutes.

We grabbed lunch right close to the embassy at a nice little French cafe (Montparnasse Cafe) tucked into a very crowded street - crowded with houses and shops but oddly enough, very few people.

Next, we were off to that huge park (Hyde Park) that we trekked through to get to the embassy in the first place. This time, we stopped for some pics of the surroundings and I grabbed my second cappuccino of the day.

We found our way through the streets to look for something that I really wanted to check out: The Natural History Museum. Incredible building (like every building we see in London) and the exhibits were very cool, too. Lots of animals, lots of minerals, not too many plants. they had a big dinosaur exhibit on display as their main attraction and it was pretty cool....saw the Edmontosaurus. Actually, one of the coolest parts was all of the rocks and minerals that they had on display.

That's all for's always so late after we get home and finish cooking supper. Here's an example of our daily routine:

    1. Wake up late because we slept in;
    2. Get up, shower, eat cereal and run out the door;
    3. Ride the train to the London Bridge station and then transfer to the Tube (subway) to deliver us to the part of the city we're exploring that day;
    4. Tour around, see museums, drink cappuccinos, search for some geocaches;
    5. Tube it back to London Bridge and catch the train back home;
    6. Lie down in exhaustion, watch an episode of The Office;
    7. Make supper, chat with the 3 other people staying here, say hi to the homestay people;
    8. Make blog post of yesterday's activities, post to website;
    9. Download today's photos, compile today's HDR photos, edit todays photos, upload today's photos;
    10. Plan out our activities for tomorrow, make notes and directions to find them;
    11. Then, either watch podcasts or read or watch The Office;
    12. Fall asleep waay to late.

It actually gets pretty busy...I thought this was supposed to be a vacation!?!

And as usual, if you want to see all 115 of our pics, here they are: