A Greek Desire

Post date: 15-Jul-2009 03:56:23

Our trip is only 9 more days away. No more double digit countdown. It's hard to say if there is more anticipation for the trip or the number of things we still need to do before we go (even though we've spent a year planning). Colin and I spent most of the weekend determining our modes and cost of transportation and what transportation is left to book. For example, we booked a bus from Nuneaton to Hollyhead and a ferry from Hollyhead to near Dublin, but then we’ll still need to take a bus or taxi to arrive at our hostel in Dublin.

While debating our transportation we started talking about our two weeks in Greece from Sept 5-19, 2009. We spend the first glorious week sailing from Samos to Leros and we were thinking of spending the second week in Athens but then we started looking at all the other postcard perfect islands in Greece and I started wishing we had a month in Greece. As we pondered how to spend our second, week, a desirous excitement started to grow in my stomach. I have always wanted to go to Greece and I picture (as I am sure most people do) the blue house roofs on cliffs in Santorini. The name itself just sounds beautiful. There are red, black, and white sand beaches that were formed from the volcanic rock. The water and the crazy coloured burned red sand at Red Beach look amazing. I want to submerge my toes in the black sand at Prerissa and Perivolous beach. While we're there I'd also like to go swimming at Kamari beach.

We definitely want to see Athens and Santorini, so we’re thinking of taking a ferry from Leros to Santorini. Okay, it will be more than one ferry, but we can explore other islands as we island hop and try to soak it all in in a short period of time. I'm thinking Greece may be my choice of which country we should live in. I'll have the ocean and Colin will have his mountains.