Galleries, Trafalgar Square and Twit Gigs

Post date: 13-Aug-2009 14:28:45

Colin and I visited the historical Trafalagar Square. To the right of the square is the Canadian embassy and we went there for a tour. To enter the building all we needed to do was go through a security check that was similar to an airport security check. We viewed the Canadian Arctic photographs that were on display and signed the guest book. We could have used the Internet for free too.

Next, we visited the National Gallery for free and viewed works such as Monet and Da Vinchi. We ate our lunch in the square but then it started to rain so we went to the National Portrait Gallery. In my opinion, the best portrait that was there was the portrait of Jane Austen. I guess it's also the only portrait of her.

We also found out via twitter that there was a very cool indie concert going on in London close to one of the tube stops, so we checked that out. There was three bands and they were all like alternative music - which Serena and I like. The first band, Mike Dignam was the best, we thought.

Short post, I know...but, we've been away from any internet access for a while. Here's all the pics fro that day: