The Colosseum by Day and Night

Post date: 21-Oct-2009 15:31:26

Rome is a loud and rather polluted city. There is garbage eveyrwhere and loads of dust. Colin and I have both been having quite the allergic sneezing bouts. Driving here would be madness. There is always a traffic jam and scooters make close calls everyday between each other and the buses on either side of them. It's quite the contrast to see new cars and buses drive by 2000 year old ruins.

If you visit Rome, I recommend getting the Roma pass. It allows you to skip ticket line ups at most major sights and comes with a 3 day bus and metro pass too for $23.00 euro. We used our passes for entrance into the colosseum which costs 12 euro. An all day metro ticket is 4 euro.

The Colosseo is a must see. We toured it during the evening first and like most ruins we've seen,

it looked very surreal. We also toured it during the much more crowded day and learned all about the lives of the gladiators and the audience who watched the fights to the death. We learned this from listening into other tour groups while we walked around the colosseum at our own pace. Your tickets also includes admission to the temple and the other ruins (Forum) that are near the Colosseum.

Pincio is a garden with a great view of all of Rome. However, you can't see the colossuem from here, but we still enjoyed the view.

View of the Capital Building

It's hard to find free Internet in Rome and there was no Internet in our hostel building, so we went wardriving. It's basically walking around or driving around until you find an open Internet connection and then borrowing it for a little while. This is what we did to post most of our blogs last week. We found this nice building and park and sat outside borrowing Internet. Thank you to the person who lives near the park and left their Internet connection open.

If you look closely you can see Colin on the bench.

Here's a random assortment of some other pics, too:

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