Island Geocaching-Patmos

Post date: 13-Sep-2009 19:02:30

On Wednesday, Sept 08, 2009, while sailing for a week through the Greek islands with Seascape Sailing, we docked on Patmos Island and rented scooters and a quad for the day. We told the other 6 people on the sailing trip with us about geocaching and they decided to find the cache with us. The crew of AnnaMaria rode their scooters and a quad through the windy cliffs of Patmos following the directions on Colin's GPS. The 8 of us had quite a walk through the bush and down some steep inclines (we didn't take the direct road route to the cache). However, we all made it and all of us were looking for the micro cache. Colin found it in under 5 minutes. We were thankful that the cache was still there since we had the largest audience we've had yet with us.

For the rest of our sailing week, each time we pulled up to an island even if it was accessible only by boat someone would ask us "Is there a geocache here?" Unfortunately there were no further geocaches hidden on the islands we visited. Our crew wanted us to hide one, but we didn't have the supplies on us.