Replicas and Curries

Post date: 02-Dec-2009 13:15:14

I'm really not sure what the obsession or the fascination is, but Tokyo has many replicas of great structures throughout the city. There is the Tokyo Tower which is very similar to the Eiffel Tower and a replica Statue of Liberty. I know that Tokyo Tower is seen as a symbol of recovery from the war, but it will never be as good as the original Eiffel Tower. Yes, you can brag that Tokyo tower weighs less than the Eiffel Tower but that's because it was built many years after the Eiffel Tower and with newer technology. I would rather see the original than tour a replica.

By the Yebisu beer museum, there is a small building with a Marionette clock tower on the top of it. The performance is every hour and a little Oktoberfest sign comes down too. Yet another replica that is not as good as the original Glockenspiel in Munich. I just don't understand the appeal.

Colin and I really enjoyed the food in Tokyo. There are many great restaurants for soba, sushi, and curry. My favourite curry restaurant is the Ichibayna CoCo Curry House. You walk in the door and are greeted by a whiff of delicious spelling curry. As soon as you're seated, you're given glasses of water and a pitcher (because you'll need it). You get to pick the amount of rice you want, the meat, the veggies and the spiciness of the curry. During our first visit, I tried a 4 and it was perfect. During our second visit, I had level 5 in a chili dish and it was too spicy for me. I couldn't taste the meat or veggies. My mouth felt like a dragon breathing fire for the whole meal and I swear that I was sweating out curry for days afterwards. Be ware that they are not kidding about the descriptions on the spices. I can usually handle quite a bit of spice, but 5 is really spicy. Colin's nose was running when he ordered a level 3. I would pay to see someone eat a 10.

More food and beer pictures:

Baby Octopus sushi

Samples at the Yebisu Beer Museum

Curry we cooked ourselves

I thought this was beef stir-fry but it was liver. I'm not a fan, but it was okay.

Tasted like deep fried potato soup

In an outside toilet, not in a restaurant. I hope it's the only one we see.

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