Chaoyang Park and the Science Museum

Post date: 16-Nov-2009 13:51:06

Colin and I visted Chaoyang Park today. It felt like we were walking through an abandoned amusement park. There was the froggy drop of doom and a double carousel (which we've never seen before but it made me question whether it's safe). We saw numerous models in the park having their pictures taken in beautiful wedding gowns. It must have been for some sort of advertising photo shoot. There are also temple paddle boats available for paddling across the lake.

We spent 9 Canadian dollars for both of us to visit the Sony ExploraScience museum (Suoni Tan Meng). It was a waste of money and time. It was the lamest museum I have ever been inside. You wander around through a floor of colours then of sound and use your interactive badge to read in English about what you need to do at each station. A person who works at the musuem follows you around and helps you if you are not using the display correctly. At the beginning of the tour you have your photo taken and at the end of the our you print your photo. There are also 3 other kiosks where you can have your souvenir photo taken as you walk through the science displays. This is definitely aimed at Elementary students. There was one station where you make an animal shadow with your hands and then the animal appears on the screen and makes a sound. Lame-0. However, I am sure kids between ages 2-8 would like it.

A few other random pictures from today:

Catherine's Cute Olympic Mugs

Precious Space Heater

Kites being flown in Chaoyang Park

China's Constant Construction

We didn't see a lot today, but you can view our other 46 pictures here: