Corporate Lingo

Post date: 03-Feb-2010 02:42:41

Colin and I have been back at work for two days now and are slowly starting to feel comfortable in the corporate world again. Although, we haven't missed the corporate lingo. We both still prefer to speak plainly, clearly, and concisely. So many things have changed at work in 6 months (people have quit, been fired and hired), but also little has changed. Colin and I are both working on new projects, but no one worked on two projects that we were working on before we left, so we'll likely be picking those projects up again too.

It was great to catch up with coworkers again and we both still have our lovely cubicles by the window with great views (we work in different office towers downtown). We were both nervous going back to work on our first day. It felt as if we were starting a new job but we weren't really. It was bit of a confusing day too. As my director said it does take a little while to remember how to ride a bike again. We felt as if we had the brakes on all day. It was a confusing and slow day back getting passwords reset and key fobs reactivated. By the end of the day, I was mentally exhausted. Our challenge this week will be trying to get more sleep and sticking to a schedule. It's hard to get used to having little time to ourselves in the day and to getting up early. We are used to getting 8 hours or more of sleep a night and the 5-6 we have been getting has not been cutting it. We'll adjust.

One thing I learned on the trip is to be more easy going and out going. I'm no longer shy when meeting new people and feel more comfortable being myself. These skills will be great to transfer over to the corporate world.