Tokyo Geocaching

Post date: 11-Dec-2009 06:37:05

During our long night of waiting to visit the Tsukiji fish market, we found (Keep Feelin') Fascination by the Kachidoki-bashi bridge. It's an easy cache to find at night time too. We took the Pax42 Kansas Sunshine 2009 Geocoin to hide in Thailand.

On November 25, 2009 we found two great geocaches in Tokyo. We found Eternal Lights? and we had a great view of the eternal lights chandelier.

Next, we found Mita Okanoue Park. It was a nice regular sized cache. I prefer the regular larger sized caches since we mostly find micros in big cities. There are some great huge travel bugs in this cache too (at least there were when we found it).

We found Sumida Park by the river in Tokyo. There is a great walking/jogging path along the river where this cache is hidden.

We also took Achim`s German Geocoin from the cache and we were the first people to find this geocoin. It's goal is to go around the world and we're going to take it to Thailand next week.

In the same park, we found TOKYO CRUISE - Asakusa Station. It was cute little micro in a Frisk mint container and it blended in with its surroundings.

By Tokyo Tower we found Tokyo TB station #1. You can get a great view of Tokyo Tower from here (even at night). We took Golfdeltamike's Humvee Travel Bug Dog Tag.

We had a great two weeks of geocaching in Tokyo, but it's time to move to a hotter climate for geocaching. Our next update will be from Bangkok.