Our First Spring Geocache

Post date: 29-Mar-2010 04:46:03

I went for my first motorbike ride of the year today on Colin's motorcycle. It did make it to plus 12. Since I don't have heated gear like Colin does, I don't go on the bike unless it's plus 10 or warmer. This is the first cache that we've found since we've been back in Edmonton. We weren't very motivated to go geocaching with all the snow. We went today because we were long overdue for placing the Jade Princess travel bug in a cache.

We found A Bridge today not too far from our house. We parked the bike by a half frozen pond that had a few Canadian geese frolicking about on it. The trek was a bit muddy and we crossed a creek to get to the cache. There was a dam that acted as a wide bridge for us to cross the creek. There wasn't too many exciting toys in the cache but we did drop off our travel bug. It was a nice easy cache to get us back into the swing of things and was in a neat location.

Here are a few things we saw on the way to the cache: