Lose Weight RTW

Post date: 06-Feb-2010 21:32:42

During our 51/2 months Round the World (RTW), Colin and I both managed to lose weight. We weren't trying to, but it was a nice bonus of the trip. We didn't do anything special to lose weight. We just followed the basic recipe that everyone has alway known: Exercise to burn more calories than you consume and eat small healthy well balanced meals.

On an average day, we walked between 5-10 km thanks to taking public transit and no transit sometimes. Walking up and down the stairs to the subway instead of talking the elevator or escalator is a great way to tighten your gluts and lose weight off your butt.

I was surprised and impressed when we arrived home and the Wii fit finally told me for the first time ever that I am no longer overweight (according to my BMI). When I left I was size 12 and now I'm size 10. Colin has always been normal and is still normal but is in better shape since going on our trip. It also helped that we were motivated to walk lots due to the excitement of seeing sights and to find geocaches (treasure).

So, there you have it, if you want to lose weight, do more walking in a day than sitting. This has proved harder to do since we've been back at our desk jobs for a week. However, we still make time to exercise in the evening and on the weekends. I have gained 5 lbs during our 4 weeks at home (thanks to Western food and less exercise), but I'm going to work at getting rid of the extra 5 lbs again.