Rome Geocaching

Post date: 08-Nov-2009 15:40:10

When Colin and I visited the Colosseum, we of course had to check if there were any geocaches nearby. We found one in the wall across from the colosseum. It was in a clear tube that looked like a vial of blood type of container and was called "Colosseum."

The second cache we found "Ave Caesar" was just outside the temple and ancient ruins. You have to reach your hand outside the barred fence to get this cache on the side of the building. It's in a small black container and it would be difficult to retrieve if it fell.

The third cache we found "Fontana di Trevi" was right by the beautiful Trevi fountain that was built in 1732. It's hidden inside a chapstick case which is quite clever. While you're here you may as well kiss someone and throw a stone in the fountain for good luck.

The fourth cache we found "Gilligan au Roma" was by the Tevere River in a tiny metal tin in its own cool little archway area that is nice and private on Tibertina island. Two other Canadians arrived to retrieve the cache seconds after we were there. It's the 4th time since we've been on our trip that we have seen fellow geocachers at a cache at the same time as us. They were doing a geocoin race.

Our 5th geocache The Mouth of Truth (La Bocca della Verita) was a micro in a cannister by the Centrum of Rome. There is a fountain here and a little park and a nice church. This was another classic micro in a wall.

Our 6th geocache we found "Circus Maximus" was also another classic micro in a wall. In brick walls behind a rock is a very popular spot for micros. As soon as we spot the wall and a loose brick or rock we know we have found the cache. It really only takes us a matter of seconds to find these caches now.