Floating Goods and Thai Dancing

Post date: 16-Dec-2009 14:59:07

Colin and I went on a tour 2 hours outside of Bangkok to see the Floating Market (Damnoen Saduak). It is a complete tourist trap but was still really neat to see. You sit in a tippy long canoe style of boat while a lady paddles you through the swarm of boats. You stop beside other boats selling goods and at each stand along the side of the canal so you can admire and hopefully buy handicrafts such as hats or wooden toys. It was an interesting experience, but the water was so crowded that many of the boat drivers were stabbed in the rear with the bow of other boats as everyone fought for a spot in the water.

While we were in the boat floating down the river, a tacky tourist plates with our pictures on them were being created:

A few other random photos from around the market area and the long boat that we rode in as part of our transportation back to Bangkok:

After experiencing the authentic floating market, we had the desire to watch a performance of traditional Thai dance. Okay, I confess, I really only wanted to see traditional Thai dance so that I could see women dressed in the gorgeous costumes and elaborate, tall gold crowns on top of their heads. All Thai dancers must be double-jointed or something because I've never seen people who are capable of bending their fingers that far back. During the dance, body parts are moved in a slow, steady, smooth, and fluid movements. Parts of the dances reminded me of Hawaiian dancing. The dances that was saw coordinated the use of various props such as swords and umbrellas. It takes a lot of talent and coordination to be a Thai dancer. I don't think I could to it, but it was beautiful to watch them float across the stage.

You can view the rest of our 162 photos and check out some Thai dancing videos here: