Busy Busy April

Post date: 24-Apr-2009 18:01:01

April's pretty much gone, now. And we've made more progress with everything. I don't know what we'd do without google docs maintaining all of our preparations and plans.

We've got another couchsurfer living with us for a few days, too. He's from South Korea and he'll be working in Canada for the next year or so. While he's hunting for a job and a place to stay, he's staying with us. If you'd like to help out a fellow traveler and have someone come and visit you for a couple days, check out couchsurfing.com.

We're going to be doing a lot of couch surfing while we're away, so we figure that we should fill up our Karma level before we leave.

We're off to AMA later today to nail down the details around our flights. We're doing a "around the world" package and we just need to finalize the cities that we'll be adding to the trip. We don't need to count every single city, only the ones that we will be flying in and out of. The company allows us to make little breaks in our trip, too. For example, we will fly in to Russia...and then the next time we take a flight is coming out of Japan almost 2 months later. This "break" in our schedule is allowed and we're allowed to take other means of transportation to get from city to city.

Total cost of the "Around the World" ticket for us = about $4500 each.