Honor Oak Park Walk

Post date: 26-Jul-2009 22:22:56

The neighbourhood that we're staying in is called Forest Hills and the main road near us is called Honor Oak Park. Serena and I decided to take a little walk tonight and go buy some groceries at the store and even hunt for some geocaches. We looked for 3, but only ever found 1 of them. See Serena's Geocaching Update for more info about that.

I did think that you might get a kick out of seeing exactly where we wandered off to tonight, though.

Plus, we've got a few more pics. Nothing crazy today, just pics of our little walk. And, if you're curious about the time change: it's 11:45pm here and 4:45pm in Edmonton...suffice to say that we're not tired yet...we'll catch up on watching The Office (american version) for a while.