The Great Canadian Homecoming

Post date: 10-Jan-2010 17:14:48

Colin and I are back in Edmonton with a new appreciation for home. It has never felt so good to be home. We arrived last night in +1 weather. We really hope that we missed all the super cold weather. Colin wants to take his motorcyle out as soon as possible. Although he will likely have to wait until Spring.

We received a super warm welcome from my parents, our friends and Colin's sister who placed a lovely sign on our front door.

Our friends looked after our house and our cats while we were gone and the cats are a bit overweight, so it's weight loss and diet time in 2010 for them. They live in our basement by day and come out at night when the dogs are asleep in another room. They did not learn to get along with our friends' dogs while we were gone. The cats did sleep on our bed last night and both purred and welcomed us home. I guess they have forgiven us for abandoning them and leaving them with two dogs.

Fat Jack

Obese Mojito

I drove my car to Tim Hortons to pick us up bagels for breakfast (we are stuck on an early to bed and early to rise schedule right now with time zone changes) and I remembered how to drive in the snow. Our neighbourhood looks much more finished after we've been gone RTW for 5 1/2 months.

Colin plans on spending the next 3 weeks catching up on video games and editing the last of our trip photos. I am planning on scrapbooking and doing some magazine wrtiting. We will also try to see all of our family and friends before we have to go back to work on February 01. We are going to continue our blog for at least the rest of this month so we can post everything from the last month of our travels and we'll probably continue it for a few months, so everyone can see how we are doing integrating back into society.

Well I am off now for lunch at Tim Hortons with my parents and Grandma and then I am going to have a bath when I get home and perhaps unpack. It will feel so weird not to live out of a suitcase and not to move to a new place every week. I don't want to sound too materialistic but I have missed the rest of my clothes. I have not worn heels for 5 1/2 months!