The Second Beck-Trek Geocache

Post date: 12-Mar-2009 20:35:36

Saturday, March 07, 2009

It’s a fine line between where you want the cache to be stowed and where the cache is actually located.

At 1:00 PM in the almost above zero weather (there was a wind chill), we headed out into the beloved Millcreek ravine. We walked the trails and made our own trails through the snow that came above our knee caps. Colin and I have both spent a lot of time running and playing in the areas of the ravine that we walked. We took the side trail by Millcreek pool and walked over the gravel trails on the bridge.

We were not able to find the first cache that was up the bank from the Millcreek pool parking lot. It may have been buried too deep in the snow or the frozen ground. We had better luck with our second micro geocache. We felt like trolls because the micro cache was magnetized underneath a bridge. It was in a black capsule so it blended in well. It’s been hidden there for years and I have probably passed it numerous times. Colin found it, so we have each found one micro-cache. Many people have signed the scroll.

The next cache we attempted to find was part of a multi-cache, so we weren’t able to successfully see a full real cache. While I was on my hands and knees digging through the snow at the base of a pine tree, I saw a black feather on a branch of the pine tree. I looked closer and I said to Colin: “I am done with geocaching. There is a dead black bird in this tree.

Colin: “No, I be it’s part of the cache. This is part of a multi Halloween cache.”

Serena: “Come see this.”

It turns out that the “dead bird” was actually a plastic raven with extremely realistic looking feathers and feet.

The fourth and last cache we did turned out to be our first real cache that we both found (well maybe mainly me with my good intuition). We used Colin’s new GSP to navigate to our location. It’s really only accurate to a few metres of the cache, so we decided to figure out the clue. It has something to do with Mrs. Peacock and getting to the roots. Before we decided to figure out the clue, I had started digging in the dirt with a stick by a large tree. Colin and I thought that a good hiding place for a cache might be the overhanging dirt cliff with lots of tree roots. We spent 20 minutes looking in the holes of the roots (We really wanted it to be here) and then went back to my original tree. We both started digging to the left of my tree (we saw a root there) and we found our first real cache in a clear and blue Tupperware container. It has been found quite a few times and contained the following blue items:

· Blue Pencil Sharpener

· Blue bird toy

· Blue ball mini game

· Blue Bookmark

· Hiking clip (green)

· Blue pens

· Blue log book

· Blue lizard magnetic clips

We didn’t have anything blue to exchange, so we didn’t exchange anything. We decided to call it a day and walked to the Mill Creek Café to celebrate and have a 3:30 PM lunch. In 2.5 hours we found 21/2 caches. Not bad for newbies.