Missing the Unknown

Post date: 01-Mar-2010 04:41:36

The lineup

Well we've been back at work, back to bills and the everyday routine for a month now. At times, the trip has felt like it was forever ago and sometimes as if it never happened at all. We've printed a few of our pictures to keep the memories alive in our home and at work. Greece looks great in our bathroom and the Eiffel Tower is hanging in our loft.

While being at home is great, we miss the unknown. We miss the unknown that a new place can offer, a new type of food can offer and the unknown of the people we'll meet and the places we'll stay. We watched a travel show tonight called Two Guys Around the World and it was great to compare our experiences with theirs.

Last night, we brought a little bit of the unknown back into our lives. We had a wine and cheese party with our friends. Each guest brought a bottle of wine and a write up about his or her bottle of wine. We enjoyed sampling the following wines:

    • Alberta-Saucy Saskatoon, Fruit Wine, 2007
    • British Columbia-Mission Hill, Chardonnay, 2006
    • Vancouver, British Columbia Sonora Ranch, Merlot
    • California-Little Black Dress, Chardonnay, 2006
    • South Australia-Wolf Bass, Chardonnay, 2008
    • South Eastern Australia-Black Swan, Cabernet Sauvignon, 2008
    • Western Australia-Leeuwin Estate, Chardonnay
    • Tavel, France-Domaine Laford, Roc-Epine, 2007
    • Argentina-Don Rodolfo, Malbec, 2007

This wine won a gold medal in the Olympics.

We came to the conclusion that chardonnay was the most popular among our guests. We determined that Oka is our least favourite Canadian cheese and that Boursin is our favourite followed by Brie, Maple Cheddar, and Provolone. Having the wine party allowed us to try wines from around the world in the comfort of our own home with family and friends. It helped bring the unknown home and made us feel a little less travel sick.