Our Second Day of London Geocaching

Post date: 29-Jul-2009 16:45:25

On July 27, 2009, Colin and I tried our hand at some more London geocaching while we were around the London Tower bridge and the Hungerford Bridge that has the neat white metal suspension looking cables. The Hungerford bridge is near the London Eye. We tried to find a cache underneath the stairs of the Hungerford Bridge, but first we found a private love letter and drawing for Zaia Thambre. I felt like I was reading someone's diary when we read the letter. I hope she finds it one day or is give a clue about it. It's in an Altoid tin and looks a lot like a geocache but it's not. In this same area, we also found the real geocache,which was a micro West End Trail - Bridges and Statues.

In the park near the London eye we found another geocache called Eyes Open in a key lock container. It was hidden in the corner of a mini garden. We also had some entertainment from a possibly homeless and drunk guy sitting near the area repeatedly yelling "SPAM" into a walkie talkie. He also cursed and then yelled "SPAM" again each time someone walked by. It was very amusing.

The third and last cache of the day that we found was the coolest-a micro hidden near the prime picture taking spot of the London Tower Bridge. We of course took many HDR pictures of the bridge and posed in the spot next to the cache Boris' place - City Hall.

Three caches in one day isn't bad, but we tried to find 3 others before the above 3 and we had no luck. They were all micros, but we can't read the clues on Colin's GPS (I know we should have read them before we left, but with planning tours and caches for the day it makes for a busy day of planning). After we read the clues for these caches, we found that most of them were hidden behind signs that we did look behind-sneaky people. That's okay we have 30 finds under a belt so far and by the time we return from our 6 months abroad at least 3/4 of the caches we've found will be from outside Canada.