Christmas in Manila

Post date: 25-Apr-2009 18:52:37

I think we've figured out where we'll be staying for Christmas and New Years. As you know, I made quite a few friends while I worked in the Philippines. So, we'll be staying with them while we're in Manila.

For the first week (Christmas), we'll be staying with Liam's family. Liam is a budding photographer and coffee enthusiast, so we get along great. She has asked her family if we could stay with them over Christmas and they are really excited to have us. Serena and I were getting pretty concerned about who/where we would be waking up on Christmas morning, so it's nice that we'll be with friends. All the while that we're in Manila, one of my best friends in the Philippines, Carol, will be touring us around and making sure we don't get lost.

This first week, just before Christmas is also when we'll be hosting the Charity party with the Clique of Light organization. The CoL is just a small group of friends that get together once a month or so, and give back to their communities. I try to sponsor a complete charity concert for them every year and this year, we're doing Christmas. Here's Glenda's pics from the last one.

for the second week, we'll be staying at the condo where Liam lives with two other friends - Glenda and Chad. Glenda is the main organizer for the CoL group and Chad is a great musician. We'll be hanging out at their place through New Years, and I hear that we'll get to see lots and lots of fireworks during the celebrations.

Still have to figure out how to get to El Nido on Palawan Island for the final two weeks of our trip. Anyone know how?