Sensoji Temple and Shopping

Post date: 03-Dec-2009 13:14:53

The Sensoji temple is in Asakusa which is in old Tokyo. The most interesting thing at the temple is the various young buddha statues. Some of the statues have baby bibs on them and they represent children that have died.

Colin and I paid 100 yen each to shake a cylinder full of chopsticks. The first chopstick that falls out leads you to your fortune. You match the symbol (number) on your chopstick to the matching drawer. Next, you pull out a piece of paper with your fortune on it. I received fortune 43 which as good luck and poor Colin received fortune 82 which was bad luck. I rubbed some of my good luck on him though.

Fortune station

Fortune chopstick

Tokyo is the best place to visit if you're a rubber duck collector. I visited a store called "Rubber Duck Toys" that is near the Hongo-sanchome station on the Oedo and Marunouchi line. In addition to rubber ducks, they also have many other collector toys.

In Akihabara (electronic town), at the Yodobashi Camera store on the 2nd floor, I found rubber duck USB keys. They don't actually store data, but they still put on a great show. Check out the video here:

Also, in the camera department store I found the following at Yurindo stationary:

I didn't buy any of these but there was lots of duck stuff in the golf store too:

Colin found some cool video game stuff to buy too. He got a Beck key chain which is from a motorcycle club, a Dragon Ball T-shirt and a tri-force belt buckle.

I always heard that cars are parked high up and on top of each other in Japan to save space. As we were walking around Akihabara, we got to see the car ferris wheel ride for ourselves:

A few other random photos from our day:

These backpack briefcases cost $500 Cdn and we've seen lots o kids wearing them.

Skinny strays

Water Taxi

Awesome headphones

With grains of salt in the middle, it does satisfy PMS cravings


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