Beautiful White Rock

Post date: 30-Jan-2010 05:31:36

Colin and I arrived back in Canada on Sunday, January 03, 2010. My brother was waiting at the airport for us with Tim Horton's. It was the longest day of travelling because we were up for over 24 hours. We left Manila at 9:00 AM and arrived in Vancouver at 8 AM on the same morning (even though the flight was a 14 hour flight).

We had a great couple of days with my brother, his wife and their two kids. It was the first time that I met my niece. We introduced my nephew who is 3 to geocaching and now my brother is hooked. You can read about our geocaching here. I drove for the first time in 6 months and it felt great.

We also had a potluck family reunion with my Grandma's sister's daughter and her daughter's and their kids. Okay, I guess it's easier to say second, third and fourth cousins etc. We both forgot just how great Canada smells and it was awesome to be around family again.

A few random photos from around White Rock: