Moscow Walking Tour

Post date: 28-Oct-2009 13:51:04

Our breath was visible as Colin and I obediently followed our tour guide off the metro and into Moscow city center.

"So, I hear the mayor promises there will be no snow in Moscow this year, eh?" Colin questioned.

"I believe the mayor is suffering from dementia. He plans on pumping even more chemicals into the air to stop the clouds from snowing. There are already so many pollutants and chemicals in the air that mother nature will not forgive him. I have to wash my hair everyday because as soon as I step outside it's dirty" said our tour guide.

The air pollution may be causing environmental issues and health issues for citizens, but the rest of Moscow is rather clean. The streets are litter free and there is almost no vandalism or graffiti.

Our guide showed us two buildings that were moved back by Stalin's slaves so that the road

could be widened. We also saw Imperial Stalin styled buildings and Gothic Styled Stalin buildings. We went into the luxurious Metropol hotel which is where (insert name when I look it up) the famous Russian ballerina was proposed to before she tragically died of the scarf incident. We also saw and extremely fancy grocery store and the KGB building. You don't feel intimidated at all standing outside the KGB building. It's a bright orange buildings that looks quite friendly, but it could be a completely different story inside it.

First building moved to widen the street.

Second building moved to widen the street.

KGB Building

When we were with our guide, she saw me take a picture of an ad that showed a family of Russian nesting dolls and she translated the ad as meaning "In order to love the motherland you must love your family."

We looked in a few antique shops for old maps for Colin but most of them were over a 100 years old and cost 1000 Canadian. Also, if you buy art work in Russia or items that are over a 100 years old you are not permitted to leave the country with them anyway, so it would be a complete waste of money to purchase them.

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