Techie Gadgets

Techie Gadgets

For all those who know me personally, you know that I love the little gadgets. Unconsciously I suppose, over the past few years I have been accumulating these things in anticipation of this big trip. Keeping weight and space in mind, below are the little toys that we'll be bringing along to assist us with our trip, keep us in touch with friends and family, and provide us with some enjoyment during our six months away from home.

Laptop (Dell Studio 15) Unfortunately (or maybe very, very fortunately) my little HP tablet pc (tx1000) crapped out on me. So, I have just ordered a brand spanking new Dell Studio 15. My laptop will be pivotal for uploading pictures to Picasa, checking in with Twitter, reading my news RSS feeds and downloading local geocaches.

Camera (Canon XS)

I've always subscribed to the belief that it's not the camera that takes a good picture, but the person behind the camera. That said, I upgraded from a cheap little point-and-shoot a while ago and the flexability that an SLR offers is wonderful. The Canon XS isn't the top-of-the-line, but it's perfect for me. I've got a few lenses with me, too: 18-55mm IS, 55-250mm IS, 17-70mm Wide Angle, and a 50mm lense with an aperature that goes to 1.7 (which I love playing with).

GPS (Garmin 60cx) One way to ensure we get off the beaten track is to go looking for geocaches along our route. What begins as "off the beaten track" usually ends up being a long hike into the back roads of unfamiliar territory - something Serena and I love to do. Using a few tricks, I can even download maps from google maps and load them onto my GPS.

Video Games (Nintendo DS)One thing that is a "must have" when it comes to traveling is video my opinion, at least. Looking forward to catching up on some nostalgic Chrono Trigger, Plus, Serena can catch up on her Brain Age addiction.

Music (iPod Touch)

Well, this is a given. But in my case, I'll be using it to keep track of my podcasts while I'm on the road. If you don't know what a podcast is (I feel bad for ya) then open up your iTunes and click on the iTunes Store. Click on the "podcasts" selection and wander around, you will find something that matches your interests. They're all free and some are very well produced. Recomendations? Hmm...I suggest the Totally Rad Show, No Agenda, Co-Op, Hak5, The Inside Story, A Life Well Wasted, Off The Hook, Stuff You Should Know, Urban Coffee, You Look Nice Today. That should give you a few months of entertainment.

Books (Sony PRS-505)Reading...I love it and Serena loves it. She's a writer, so she tends to read a lot more than I do. Since we'll be living out of a bag, we can't exactly bring a bunch of books with us. So instead, we'll be uploading e-copies of books we want to read on my new little eReader. Easy on the eyes and a charge lasts almost 2 weeks, so we can catch up on all of our books that we've been trying to read - like Feynman's Lectures.

Data Backup (LaCie External Hard Drive)

We're going to be taking a lot of pictures. In case something happens to my laptop, I need to ensure that all of my important photos are not lost. This hard drive is made impact resistant and I think it should do the trick. FYI, I'm combining this with GFI Backup software which basically allows me to double click one icon and have it automate all of my backup needs.