Birthday Ducks, Boston Ducks and Bud Ducks vs Deluxe Ducks

Post date: 09-Jun-2010 02:54:54

I know that my birthday was over a month ago, but I waited to do this post so that I could include even more ducks in my post. Colin spoiled me by letting me pick many ducks from Zydeco Gifts in Victoria and then he also ordered me duck related items from Cafe Press. It was a sweet b-day and it brought my duck count to 420.

Customer Support Duck

In Boston (on a work trip), I found the following four ducks at Faneuil Hall at the Fun Usual store.

I also found two ducks in Jasper, so now I have 426 total.

The odd thing about these ducks called Bud ducks is that beside the U symbol they look exactly like the square symbol ducks that are called Room Interior design ducks. I tried to do some research to see who copied who and here is what I found. It is really a debate between the Bud Luxury duck and the Interior Room Design Deluxe duck. The Room Interior website that is listed on the box doesn't have any ducks and doesn't appear to be a real website anymore. I think the Bud U symbol ducks are the real Luxury ducks and the Deluxe ducks are the wanna be rip off.