Warwick's Castle

Post date: 13-Aug-2009 14:34:34

Just before we jump into things, Serena got her business cards in the mail. We held a whole photo-session before we left and took some professional photos to put on her cards. Here they are in all their glory...

Now, back to the trip...

Warick drove Sandy, Christopher, Colin and I to his castle today.It's

weird to get used to driving on the left hand side of the road and to see the driver on the left of the car-especially when you're sitting behind the driver. Most of the cars are standard so that also inserts a new challenge too. Colin and I can't imagine shifting the opposite way. There isn't really a relation between Warwick and Warwick Castle but it's fun to joke. It was 20 pounds each to get in.

We started our tour by learning about bricks that were dropped from the tower and would bounce off the cement platform at the bottom and knock enemies off their horses. The castle also has lookout crosses in the walls and this is where bow and arrows were poked through to ward off invaders.

Colin, Christopher and I walked the 530 steps up and down the towers to walk along the wall of the tower. The winding stone staircases made for great pictures. This poor little boy behind us cried all the way down the stairs saying how scared he was. It was a bit daunting to look down through the grate that lead straight down to the grass below the tower. We went through the Knight's room and then watched Jousting.

We saw some kids play an old game which involved throwing a rat through a hole. They used stuffed rats. A falcon that lives in the castle put on a show for us too by flying from one tower to the next.

We walked around the town of Warwick for an hour and saw a church and the hospital. I say town because to be a city you must have a cathedral. Nuneaton is also a town. We stopped in an antique store and bought some bills and coins.

And finally, the complete collection of our pics this day. Just a note that it might be a few more days until we can touch base with everyone again - we'll be traveling to Ireland tomorrow and we're going to be bagged from the overnight trip (including a 5 hour wait at a train station from midnight to 5am).