Rubber Ducks RTW

Post date: 17-Feb-2010 05:27:26

25 rubber ducks from RTW

Anyone who knows me knows that I have been collecting rubber ducks since I was in grade 8. I bought my first rubber duck from the Body Shop because it was cute and I thought it would look nice in my bathroom. From there, my collection escalated and is still growing today. It helps that one of my friend's also collects rubber ducks so we often buy each other ducks. I don't have any ducks from when I was little and Idon't even remember playing with rubber ducks as a child. However, when we have kids they will definitely never have a bath without a rubber duck in it.

While we travelled around the world, I looked for rubber ducks (that I didn't already have) in every country. Colin collected a pin from every country for his camera bag. He also collected coins and bills from each country too-current currency as well as antique coins and bills.

27 pins from RTW (including the Vancouver 2010 Olympic pin)

The sword hilt on the top left is from Tokyo

Okay, back to the ducks. Here is an inventory of the countries where I found ducks and where I didn't find ducks and how much they cost. In total, I spent $135.23 Canadian on rubber ducks and other rubber duck related items.

July 24 - Aug 15 - England (14.33 cdn)

  • Two small rubber ducks from the duck race 4 euro
  • English Guard Rubber Duck 6 euro

Aug 15 - Aug 21 Ireland (14.33 cdn)

  • Irish Leprechaun Duck $3.99 euro
  • Pink Hat Cowgirl Rubber Duck 6 euro

Aug 21 - Sept 5 - France

  • None purchased.
  • Received a Barbie mini rubber duck from our hosts.

Sept 5 - Sept 19 - Greece (8.60 cdn)

  • Two sailing rubber ducks from Patmos 4.00 euro (for a bag of toys, but I gave the rest away)
  • Slap rubber duck in Athens 2 euro

Sept 19 - Sept 24 - Germany

  • None purchased.

Sept 24 - Oct 1 - Switzerland, Luzern (11.72 cdn)

  • Angel keychain rubber duck 4.90 Swiss Franks
  • Bud Mini Gray camo rubber duck 6.90 Swiss Franks GI Charcoal Duck

Oct 1 - Oct 19 - Italy (17.48)

  • Venice on Oct 10, 2009. Bought Bud miniducks Decor 1 duck and Daydreamer duck for $10.00
  • Rome, Italy on October 17, 2009 puchased glow in the dark mini duck for $2.20.

Oct 19 - Oct 20 - Russia

  • None purchased.

Oct 26 - 29 - Mongolia

  • None purchased.

Oct 30 - Nov 10 - China (10 cdn)

  • Potato & Co in Beijing found 3 Bud mini ducks Propaganda, Panda and Stadium Duck

Nov 10 - Dec 5 - Japan (46 cdn)

  • Osaka a rubber duck purse from a store called Bones in the underground shopping area. $30.00 Cdn
  • Tokyo Sombereo rubber duck and pirate rubber duck from 4.20 Cdn
  • Tokyo rubber duck book tabs and rubber duck note paper for 4.62 Cdn
  • Tokyo USB light up rubber duck that isn't actually a USB 9.80 Cdn

Dec 5 - Dec 19 - Thailand (1.00 Cdn)

    • Duck SARs mask 0.35 baht (1.00 Cdn)

Dec 19, 2009 Hong Kong Airport (8.00 cdn)

  • Toothbrush holder
  • Green rubber duck
  • B duck cell phone charm

Dec 19-Jan 3, 2009 -Manila (3.77 cdn)

  • Toy Kingdom at the Podium mall Concierge rubber duck 60 pesos (1.50 Cdn)
  • Baby Store 4 sports ducks 3 in the momma football 99.75 pesos (2.27 Cdn)

Rubber duck toothbrush holder from the Hong Kong airport

Hong Kong rubber ducks

Photos of other duck related items from our trip:

Book tags and a pad of paper from Japan

Tokyo rubber duck purse

In total with my new ducks from RTW, I now have 579 rubber ducks (as of January 17, 2012)! If you think that's crazy think about the Guinness Book of records. Charlotte Lee in the United States has over 2600 unique rubber ducks.

So, what do I plan to do with my collection? Well even though we have two bathrooms, I can't fit them all into our bathrooms. Therefore, when we finish the basement we're going to buy bookshelves and have a unique rubber ducky themed bar. [Colin's Note: No, we are not.]