Our First gem is Hidden

Post date: 05-May-2009 21:34:54

On Saturday, April 18, 2009, Colin and I hid our first geocache. We were going to hide it closer to the Muttart Conservatory under a bridge, but that location turned out to be too close to a few other caches. Therefore, we decided to prepare our cache and hide it somewhere in our neighbourhood.

We purchased some camo earthy looking duct tape from the Army Surplus store in West Edmonton Mall. Colin taped over our little lock n’ lock container. He sorted through various trinkets in my junk drawer in the office to find items for our cache. I also added a blue mini devil duck pencil topper. We named the cache Duck, Duck, Pond and we hid it by our pond in Rutherford in the chopped down forest outside Sandy’s backyard.

It took almost a week for the geocache to be officially published online at www.geocaching.com, but it was published on Friday, April 24, 2009. On Saturday, April 25, 2009, at 7:40 AM our cache was discovered for the first time. On the first day of publication, the cache was found by 2 people. Since the cache has been hidden 8 people have found it so far. No one has found it yet this month. Almost everyone who has found our cache has commented on the trees that have been cut down in this area. Unfortunately, some of the residents of this area complained that they couldn’t see the pond and half the trees were cut down. Most people bought houses on this block to have backyards that were made more private by the trees. The nerver of some builders.