Forbidden Ciy and Tian'anmen Square

Post date: 17-Nov-2009 08:22:23

A series of beautiful temples make up the Forbidden City. However, you can't really tour inside them. Quite a bit of the

Forbidden city is still forbidden for tourists to tread through. There are 8707 rooms in the palace and the Chinese court lived and ruled in the area. However, the closest we got to seeing one of the rooms was to stare through a dirty window of a temple that had beds and artifacts covered in glass. However, unlike our museums, we could not enter the temple for a better look. Some of the temples had the doors open so that we could walk up the stairs and try to peer in as tourists crushed us against the rails and shoved us every which way while we tried to take a picture. Most of the tourists are local which is kinda neat to see so many people travelling around their own country.

Tian'anmen Square was very large (the size of 61 soccer fields to be exact). However, we found the two large television screens in the middle of the square to be quite odd. The red columns that line either side of the square are really nice.

There were not any spots to sit except for the two tiny patches of grass near the end of the square. We sat here for a while while Colin took many people pictures. Colin even had a mom and a son pose for a picture when they saw that he was taking pictures.

To our astonishment, we had two parents send a little boy up to us to have his picture taken with us. He looked pretty scared of us so the Dad asked if he could sit with his son and have his picture taken with us. We said sure. Everyone looks quite different and fascinating to us and we look quite different to them too. We were happy to oblige and share in the people photo exchanging and learning about other cultures.

Speaking of fascinating photos, I guess it's not a priority to worry about pulling mole hairs. Each to their own.

We also walked to the other side of the square so we could see Qianmen Gate.

A series of other random Beijing photos:

Half motor power, half pedal power

Panda Hat Seller

Local in the Forbidden City

Ceiling of a temple in the Forbidden City

Figure on a Temple roof

More Figures

Paparazzi Colin found a person concentrating on taking a photo

People watching Colin found another one

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