Photography II


Hands - January 31st, 2018

Laced Up

Feet - February 2nd, 2018


Geometric Shadows - February 6th, 2018


Organic Forms & Textures - February 8th, 2018


Leading Lines - February 12th, 2018


Love Is... - February 14th, 2018


Glass/Transparency - February 16th, 2018

Who Lives in a Pineapple Under the Sea?

Food - February 27th, 2018


Monochromatic Color - March 1st, 2018


Complementary Color - March 5th, 2018

Turtle Shells

Analogous Color - March 7th, 2018


Primary Colors - March 12th, 2018

a dull diamond

Thoughtful Self Portrait - March 16th, 2018

Lone Pink

Still Life - March 16th, 2018


Magnification/Reflection - March 20th, 2018

mashed potatoes

Creative Landscape - March 22nd, 2018

Is it enough?

Unique Lighting - March 26th, 2018


Minimalism Photography - March 28th, 2018


Abstraction - March 30th, 2018


Advanced Photograms - April 9th, 2018



Altered Portrait - April 11th, 2018


Altered Negative - April 23rd, 2018


Cyanotype Landscape - April 25th, 2018


Photo Recreation - May 1st, 2018


Reflective Self Portrait - May 7th, 2018

not a candid!

Family Dynamics - May 11th, 2018

calm before the storm

Relationships - May 17th, 2018

the pretty one

Social/Political Print - May 23rd, 2018

*seagull sounds*

Movement - May 30th, 2018


Weather - June 1st, 2018

The man!

Identity - June 7th, 2018


Change - June 11th, 2018

Written Reflection:

Photography 2 was a really fun class. I learned many new techniques in both digital and film photography. My work throughout the semester has improved. In my Photo 1 class, I didn’t learn nearly as much as this class. It just furthered my knowledge of elements and techniques in both digital and film photography. In the beginning of the class, I joined a little late, so I started off oweing a fair amount of works, which really stressed me out. Now, nearing the end, I have been able to turn in almost all of my assignments in on time often with time to spare. I really love working in the darkroom and seeing my photos come to life. The most challenging part of this class was probably meeting all of the many deadlines in the third quarter, because I had so much to complete. Though it was tedious completing my digital portfolio, in the end it’s super satisfying having all of my work on one website.

I am most proud of the following assignments: food, unique lighting, minimalism, cyanotype landscape, weather, and change. I really like my food image because I think it turned out really crisp and clear with a lot of detail and texture. It is so simple yet pretty. I’m proud of my unique lighting photo because I originally thought the project was going to be hard to do because I didn’t know how to use extended exposure, but I learned quick. I think it turned out very pretty. I am very proud of my minimalism photo, because I think it looks really beautiful. I think it captures all of my fish, and just looks so natural. I’m proud of my cyanotype because I think it turned out really detailed and crisp. I wasn’t sure if I’d like the photo with the monochromatic blue look, but I actually did. I’m proud of my weather photo because it was I think the most successful photo I had with a filter used on it. I really like how the fire looks and how there’s a good range of value to it. I really like my change photo, because I think it is super textured, clear, and crisp. I’m not really the biggest fan of the recoloring I did, though. All of my work throughout the semester has had both strengths and weaknesses. I think some of my biggest strengths are learning new techniques, making due with what’s available, and recoloring smaller parts in photos. Some of my weaknesses are having patience during the process of developing and taking photos, following through with solving problems, and thinking of my own takes on altering photos. Overall, Photography II was a really nice class that I would reccomend to anyone into photos.

Photo 2 Final.mp4