Nature/Natural and Organic Forms Concentration


Who Lives in a Pineapple Under the Sea?



mashed potatoes

pretty pink


Flume Gorge




freshly fallen

The Hidden Swamp

Frog Beds


My Concentration in Photography II class is Nature/Natural and Organic Forms. The central idea of my concentration is to take photos of natural things like animals, landscapes, flowers, leaves, plants, rock formations, weather, trees, etc. I really like capturing natural textures, patterns, feelings, and places. The work in my concentration shows that I love nature and its beauty, and I want to further understand it. The work also has a huge range of subjects. The first photo in my concentration is of a turkey feather, which has natural textures and patterns. The second photo in my concentration is of a pineapple which has natural textures and shapes. The third photo in my concentration is of some daisies I just found in front of a river, untouched. The fourth photo in my concentration is of my fish, and he has many natural textures and is an animal. The fifth photo in my concentration is of a natural scene that is slightly touched by man since the driveway is plowed. The sixth photo in my concentration is of some flowers in my backyard that have a cool texture and vibrant natural yet unnatural looking colors. The seventh photo in my concentration is of a leaf with a rough natural texture with natural colors. The eighth photo in my concentration is of a waterfall I saw in NH and thought it looked really natural and pretty. The ninth photo in my concentration is of a birds's nest I found in a tree in my yard that was created by an animal's work. The tenth photo in my concentration is one I took from my climb up Pleasant Mountain and it has naturally formed mountain ranges and trees all around. The eleventh photo in my concentration is one I took of some moss on some rocks and the sun behind. The twelth photo in my concentration is of some snow that had just fell on a pine tree. The thirteenth photo in my concentration is of a swamp I found in my woods at my house. The fourteenth photo in my concentration is of some lilypads I saw in a pond. The fifteenth and last photo in my concentration is of some lilacs I had in my yard.