Political/Social Response Project

Artist Statement:

The subject of this piece is a person with their mouth zipped shut with a zipper. To create this piece I used construction paper, cardstock, scissors, glue, and marker. I cut out a stencil from the cardstock, and then used that to create the construction paper eyes, nose, eyebrows, and face. After gluing all those on I used marker to go over them and create realistic details, like the eyebrow and eyelash hair, nose shape, and then the zipper. I also cut out the hair from construction paper. I used some gold paper and a hole punch to create the polka dots in the back and marker to create the words. I chose to create this specific piece because we were assigned to create something that responded to a social or political issue we felt passionate about. This piece contains the elements and principles of shape, because it is composed of different shapes; color, because it has different colors; texture, because the hair kind of has a texture with the way it is layered; and unity, because it seems unifyed since the person is like right in the middle of the piece.

In this piece I used the composition rule/technique of informal balance because it looks balanced, even though it isn't techniqually. This project evolved because I originally was going to use ink and watercolor to make it, but later decided to expiriment with paper cutting.

The meaning behind this piece is that the subject I chose was domestic violence, and I am really passionate about that issue. If this piece could be any stronger, I would fix the typo in don't, and use marker to create more detail and fine lines to make the person more realistic.