Sculpture Five

Artist Statement:

This sculpture is of a Blue Morpho Butterfly sunning itself on a leaf and rock. I used Sculpey, Sculpey glaze, wire, tinfoil, cardboard, and acrylic paint to make it. This piece has the elements and principles of line, because there are lines on the butterfly's wings, the leaf, the butterfly's antennas, the mushroom, and the cardboard; shape, because all of the parts of this are made up of shapes; color, because there are many different colors in it; form, because there are multiple forms such as the butterfly and the mushroom; texture, because the leaf, wings, and rock all have textures to them; emphasis, because I feel like there is an emphasis and focus on the butterfly since it is the only blue in the piece; and movement, because I feel like it seems like the butterfly's wings could be moving.

This piece has the composition rules/techniques of informal balance, because it seems like it is balanced although it isn't quite perfectly; leading lines, because I think the leaf's lines and the butterfly's antennae lead to the butterfly; and framing, because I think having the square base frames the whole piece on its own. Originally, I planned on just making a wire sculpture of a butterfly, but then thought that that was too boring for my last project, so I decided to make something I hadn't before. I liked using Sculpey and it was super easy to use and get the hang of.

This piece is sort of inspired by my dad's mother who passed away. She loved blue butterflies and always had them around her house. I wanted to do something new that I hadn't made before and I hadn't done a bug yet. I thought it would be nice to do a butterfly and to make a scene to go with it. If I could do anything to change this piece, it would be to add more flowers and mushrooms to the background of it. I would also add more detail to the wings of the butterfly and the leaf.