Artist Inspired Photography

Photo by Peter Lik


Exposure: -0.09

Highlights: -0.59

Shadows: -0.21

Brightness: 0.16

Contrast: 0.15

Black Point: 0.26

Saturation: 0.37

Cast: -1.00

Photo Inspired by Peter Lik

Photo by Tom Chambers


Highlights: -0.37

Shadows: 0.35

Brightness: -0.49

Contrast: 0.30

Black Point: 0.06

Saturation: 0.27

Contrast: 0.31

Photo Inspired by Tom Chambers

Artist Statement:

Photographer one inspired me because that specific photo is blurry, and sort of looks like is was taken in the reflection of a pond or lake. It also has bright colors, so I decided to take a photo in the reflection of a pond that's in my town, with a reflection of trees with bright fall colors. The second photographer inspired me because the photo has candles in it, and the photographer likes to incorporate the world around him in his photos, so I decided to take this photo because of that.