Altered Negative

Artist Statement:

This is a photo of a dead lilac in my front yard. I used a 35 mm camera to take it. I chose to take this photo because I liked the texture in the flower and the siding of my house in the background. This photo has the elements and principles of line, because the flower the house, and the scratches; shape, because the shapes the scratches create and the house and flower; value, because there is different grey values in the photo; texture, because the flower is textured and so are the scratches; and movement, because I feel like the scratches create movement.

I used the composition rules/techniques of rule of thirds, because the flower is in the spots for it; informal balance, because it isn't quite balanced, but seems like it is; silhouette lighting, because the flower is a silhouette; and leading lines, because of the scratches all over the photo. If I could change one thing about this photo, it would be the scratches. I would add more scratches and put them in different places, focusing only on around the flower.

This photo is of one of my favorite flowers, and it's really dark so I like it. Originally, I was going to burn it, but changed my mind because that would mess up the flower which I really wantedto include.