Surrealism Collage/Painting

Artist Statement:

The subject of this photo is a wolf, and the setting is in the snowy woods. To make the collage, I used Adobe Photoshop Elements 14 to combine the two photos. To create the painting, I used acrylic paint and graphite pencil to sketch the shapes. I chose to create this specific piece, because I liked the way the wolf looked with the headdress. This piece doesn't show many elements and principles in it, maybe just shape, because the painting is sort of split into shapes in a way.

In this piece I think the only composition rule/technique shown is soft focus, because it looks like there is a soft focus, or almost blurry affect to the painting. Throughout the creation of this piece, I often painted over places because they weren't the exact color I wanted. When making the collage, it was difficult to get the headdress to fit on the wolf the right way, and it took me quite a while to complete it.

There isn't a story behind this artwork, and it doesn't really relate to my life. I created it because I love wolves, and the headdress looks good on the wolf. If my work could be any stronger, I would add more detail to the fur, and feathers. Also, compaired to the collage, the eyes on the painting are pretty large.