
Artist Statement:

This is a photo I took when I was out on a field burn with the Fire Department I'm on. It's in a field in someone's backyard. I used a 4 1/2 filter when I developed it. I took this photo because the sunset and the fire looked really good together. This photo contains the elements and principles of line, because the trees and the power lines; shape, because the trees, fire, and lines create shapes; value, because the print has pretty close to a full range of value; texture, because the trees, sky and fire show different feels; movement, because you can tell the fire is spreading around and the clouds are moving; and pattern because it seems like the trees are creating a sort of pattern.

This photo contains the composition rules/techniques of silhouette lighting, because the trees are silhouettes; soft focus, because the smoke kind of creates a blurry look; leading lines, because the power lines kind of lead down to the fire; and grouping, because all of the branches seem grouped together, and same with the clouds in the sky. Originally, I wanted to take a photo of lightning with an extended exposure, but there was none in the forecast. I was suggested to clone stamp the power lines out, but when I did, I didn't particularly like it and I thought it looked better with the lines in it.

This photo is important to me, because it is of one of my favorite things to do, fight fires! I love going out and doing it because its really fun and satisfying. If I could change something about this photo, it would be the weird spot and blotch on the top left-ish corner, because it looks out of place.