
Artist Statement:

When making these pieces, I tried to look for items that meant something to me, while also looking cool in the photogram. In the first one, I used the following objects: (from farthest left to right) Dinosaur figurine from my little cousin's birthday party, watch from my grandfather, colored pencil, necklace from my mother, pin, pen from my favorite teacher, euro, bracelet, and Utah state quarter. Some of those items are important to me, and are things I value. In the second photogram, I decided to put Maine in the back, because it is very important to me. I arranged them this way because I thought the way it was would look interesting when developed. When creating these pieces, it took me some time to figure out exactly how to arrange them in an appealing way. If I could make these pieces stronger, I would make them less centered and give them more of a "zoomed in" aspect.